Chapter 13- Oh my...

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Happy Thanksgiving my loyal readers! I would like to thank you for reading my story! I'm so happy! XD


Liz's POV:

"Ziggy! I'm sorry I just can't...hahaha!"

My stomach hurt from laughing so much. Ziggy looked like he blew up a potion like in Harry Potter. His face was all sooty and his hair was sticking up in all directions with patches missing. I reached up and booped his nose. He was just too adorable that I forgot I was angry with him.

"Babeth, I needeth thine helpeth."

"Why are you talking like that? I mean you have an attractive british accent but still.."

"Followeth please."

"Haha... ok."

He led me back to the room with Uncle Reggy.  My confusion then became clear... All my anger that was originally directed at Ziggy turned to Uncle Reggy. I stormed over to the fish bowl and glared at the eel head that was now poking out of the cave. I lowered myself so my eye was right in his face.

Uncle Reggy! What have you done to my Ziggy?

He looked indignant, throwing his head in the air and rolling his eyes.

Your Ziggy? Well excuse me ducky, I was just trying to defend myself from bad guys ya know. He was yelling at me like he was bonkers...

I don't car- wait, why did he yell at you?

Well, he was just going on about how I was a foul beast, which frankly my dear, that is just not acceptable in my spellbook!

Well I guess that would be... how rude of him.. im so sorry. I''ll make him apologize. In any case, will you fix his language pattern please? It's hard listening to him butcher the Shakespearean language.

Ok fine..

Thank you Uncle Reggy.

Yeah whatever, I'm doing this for you- not him.

I grinned at Uncle Reggy and turned to Ziggy, pointing at him.

"Ziggy, I'm going to ask you to apologize for hurting this poor eel's feelings."

He looked at me flabberghasted.

"How did you know I did somethin-?"

I interrupted him with a loud dramatic tone. My arm thrown across my eyes like a damsel in distress. With the other arm, I directed it towards Uncle Reggy.

"This poor defenseless-"

Ziggy wasn't having it. He strode towards me like the hot model that he is even with all of his splendor of a hot mess. He leaned on the wall which was behind the fish bowl. He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Baby, I wasn't finish-"

I cut in again, this time with more vigor, trying not to laugh at his eyebrow wiggling. 

"This poor defensless eel, just minding his own buisness and you just had to offend him!"

I scowled at Ziggy the best that I could without laughing.  He tried to give me a smolder. That made me giggle a little. I quickly changed my expression to a serious one again.

"Ziggy do it now or no cow flesh."

"Nooo! I need my cow flesh! Hmmph... ok fine."

He turned to Uncle Reggy, reached his hand inside the water and tried to poke Uncle Reggy. I slapped his arm. He sighed and withdrew his arm out.  He leaned down and rested his hands on his knees and stared at the eel face to face like a man.

"Dude, I'm sorry."

Eek, he so manly right now!

He turned back to me and waited for my approval. I nodded.

"Don't make me flash my ironbuns. I will do it."

Oh my, I spoke too soon.

"Sweety, please don't bring your buns into this.."

"But why? You don't like my butt?"

He looked at me hurt.

Hmmph. Ducky I would like it if you didn't refer to him as your dear.

Why not Uncle Reggy? He's kinda my boyfriend....

He doesn't deserve you. He is too immature.

I was confused. Ziggy is very fitting for me. I like him so much. He is awesome, funny, etc. So what if he isn't mature enough yet.. He's still growing. My eyes swizzled from Ziggy to Uncle Reggy.

Did Uncle Reggy have a crush on me? Nah, couldn't be right?

I was so deep in thought that I wasn't paying attention to what was happening around me.  Then to get my attention back, Ziggy licked my cheek. I jumped and squeaked in response.

"Ziggy! What was that for?"

"I-I want you to listen to me babe. What don't you like about my butt?"

"No, your butt is fine... very fine... I was just-uhghgh never mind I don't know what I'm talking about anymore."

I sighed and ruffled Ziggy's hair. I still loved him despite his catestrophic hairdo.  He acted like a dog.  He leaned down and nuzzled my neck. I giggled and hugged his neck.

Hey Reg, are you able to wave your wand and fix Ziggy's hair and injuries?

I suppose so ducky... on one condition...


Dun dun duuun...

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