Chapter 16: Stupid cupid

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I'm back!! Miss me? :3


(Ziggy's POV)

I looked at Liz's sleeping face in my lap. It appeared peaceful. She smiled in her sleep. My heart squeezed in my chest.  I felt my face reddening.

Good thing she doesn't see my face. Ha...

Careful not to wake her up, I adjusted myself so my back was against the pillows on the bed. I stroked her hair. It was so silky and smooth. I haven't felt this calm in a long time. I shut my eyes and fell into slumber as well.

Liz's intense screaming jerked me awake. I sat up quickly and alertedly looked around the room. It was empty.

Where is she?

I felt a pit growing in my stomach. I was so nervous at the fact that I had no idea what was happening to her.

Why did I have to fall asleep!? I'm so stupid. If anything has happened to her, there will be food to be smashed... wait... that's a waste of food... I need a better- oh snap how bout--there will be brains to be boiled! Now I sound like a zombie lol. Focus Zigmeister! Wow I just gave myself a weird nickname.

I almost tripped over my feet as I raced into the living room. I skidded to a halt and looked around. I was not ready for the sight that I beheld. I stood in bewilderment and shock.

What the heck?!

There was a shriveled up man dressed as cupid, who was prancing around and throwing flowers at Liz. She looked incredibly freaked out, the poor girl. She reached over to a table and picked up a piece of pizza. She flung it and it smacked in the man's face. He mooed, which sounded like a wounded whale, and threw his basket of flowers in her direction. It missed her by a couple of feet. I almost felt sorry for the shriveled up creature. It was such an easy shot. He started to shriek like a chimp and got on all fours. Liz climbed on the table and took two more slices for ammo. She got in a fighting stance. It was easy to see that she had training in this feild. It made me sad. There was no reason for her to learn how to fight. I will protect her always.

Oh shoot.

Speaking of protecting her, I ran to her side and stood in front of her. I turned to her and looked at her questioningly. She shrieked, which also sounded like a monkey. I laughed inside. Liz scrunched up her face and pointed behind me. I spun around only to be knocked to the floor by a shrively mess in a cupid toga. I tried to roll away but the old man held me down with the strength of an iron grip.

What the heck old man? You're too skinny to be on steroids.

Both me and the old man got hailed on by pizza, which got followed by only globs of cheese and pepperoni. It was really hot. My face had a pained expression on it. I grunted at Liz. She formed an "o" with her lips and looked apologetically back at me.

"Oh sorry sweety! I was aiming at the shrively COM!"

She called me sweety! I feel awesome! Call me that again! Wait... com?

"What's that even mean?"

"Creepy Old Man!"

I nodded in agreement.

"Oh! Nice one."

She giggled and yelled back her sweet reply that I will never forget. It made me feel warm and loved.

"Thanks hun!"

Ay! Don't make me blush again babe... it's just not manly.

While I was lost in my thoughts, the shriveled up man moved on to attacking Liz again. She got fustrated and turned into the gorgeous white tiger in her anger. My mind always turns to a blank when I see her like this. Her graceful majestic cat form crouched and leaped at the man. Right before she landed on him, he sprouted wings and flew out of her reach. I couldn't believe it. I gaped.  My mind had just exploded. I rubbed my eyes and stared blurrily at him. He stuck his tongue out at Liz and she tried leaping at him again. When he flew upwards to avoid her, he bumped into the ceiling. He grunted and then fainted. He fell to the floor and bounced a couple of times like a bouncy ball.

Is he made out of rubber? Wow, what a weird day...

The shriveled up man's wings disappeared and he was still knocked out. I looked around for Liz. She was curled up in a ball and sleeping in the corner. I laughed and sat down with my back against her fuzzy belly. She turned and licked my cheek. I laughed louder and leaned my head on her neck. She purred. I closed my eyes in contentment.

So fuzzy!

She began to growl. I opened my eyes to see the shriveled up man starting to move. I got up and lifted the guy and carried him to Luke's room. I washed him in the bathroom and laid him down on the bed and shut the door, not knowing what else to do with him. I turned back to see Liz in human form and holding vaseline. She had a sorry look on her face.

"I feel guilty for fighting an old man, even if he's a shriveled up brat."

I grinned and took the vaseline from her and spread it on the burns on the old man's face. 

Poor guy. He got it tough. Wild old man.

I walked back out and linked arms with Liz. I poked her nose and she giggled. She tried to return the favor but I lifted my head up so she couldn't reach. She frowned and I poked her nose again. It was fun to tease her.  I escorted her back to the living room to clean up the mess before Luke found out.

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