Chapter 19: Beware of wannabe britains

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Liz's POV:


I was so startled that I squawked like a crow. This was one of my more embarressing moments.  Luke grinned.  Out of nowhere, he burst into song. As he sang, his eyeballs rolled back.

"Wheeere iiiis the giiirl,

Who has stoooolen my soooul..

Giiiive it baaaack,

lest ye feel my wraaath."

What a creep...

I had no clue how to react to this nonsensical verse. I didn't know whether to laugh or be scared.  I decided to go with the first option. If he gets mad, oh well. A small smile spread across my face. I was going to play along.

"Lol! That didn't even rhyme!"

He spoke in a deep mystical voice in a british accent.

"Ahhh, but verses don't have to rhyme. That's the beauty of poetry."

I laughed. He didn't know how bad his accent was.

"You sound so posh!"

He puffed out his chest and raised his chin.

"Thank you my deh!"

I did the same. It was extremely hard to keep a straight face. Try as I might, I still cracked half a smile. One side of my mouth was curved up while the other side was trembling with the effort to keep it straight.

"Appauling. Your parents must be so pleased."

"I dare say they ah."


He turned to me. His eyes glinted with a smirk. He took out a fish from his pocket and slammed it against the wall. It stuck to the wall and began to squirm.  I began to feel a little uncomfortable.  My eyes popped out like one of those bug eyed fish. I couldn't believe what I just saw.

That poor fish. Why did he have it? No. The question is, how on earth did the little guy survive out of the water for so long.

I stormed up to Luke and gave him one of my killer stares. My eyes glowed electric blue with my tiger's power. He looked a little afraid for a split of a second. As fast as he looked scared, his face returned to a smirk.

"That poor fish!! Let him go at once! What did he ever do to you?"

"Oh he's done enough. He was my wizard nemesis in human form. He annoyed the heck out of me."

I glanced with pity back at the struggling fish.

"Well. Can you at least get him some water at least? Have some sort of courtesty!" 

He huffed.

"Oh very well... here."

He aimed his hand at a loose water bottle and water drifted from it. It looked so cool watching the water move like a watery rope gliding in midair. He twirled his hands around in circles. The water morphed into a floating bubble of water. He guided it towards the fishy frienzy and it also stuck on the wall, surrounding the poor little fella.

At once, the fishy dude burst full of life again and began to calmly swim counter clockwise. It grew a 3rd eye on top of it's head, bigger than the other two. The whole time it swam, the giant eye was focused on Luke.  Luke chuckled.

"It looks like he wants to duel with me."'

I raised my eyebrows.

"How can you tell?"

"Well. He's swimming counterclockwise for one thing. And another thing is the disturbingly 3rd eye on his head. Hahaha. He looks quite furious." 

Anyone would be in his position!!

"Well I think you should release him.  Besides, he looks so adorable and precious."

I crouched and twirled my finger at the unnamed fish. I absentmindedly cooed at him.

"Who's a good fishy. You're a good fishy. Fishy fish fish. You'r-"

"Liz! Stop complementing him! He doesn't deserve it!"

"But he's so cute and shiny!"

Luke sighed and waved his hand. What once was a goldfish, was now an angler fish. The water expanded with his sudden change in size. Luke smirked.

 "Ha! Not so cute now is he?"

"Well true... but you gotta admit, he's got character!"

Indeed he did, for he was making interesting faces at me now. I think what he tried to do was make puppy eyes at me, but all he managed to do was popping out his eyes. It kind of freaked me out, but I was used to watching horror movies that my "aunty" was watching. Of course she never knew I was watching over her shoulder, because every time I screamed at the appropriate time, so did she. Her screams were so screechy and loud that it could be heard from down the street. The thought of her screaming made me giggle on the inside.

I enjoyed watching her fearful. Ok emo thoughts... dispurse for now... or not... maybe? Oh cute fish~ it's black now.

Turning to Luke, I smirked and crossed my arms in content.

"Congradulations... you just made it cuter."

He pursed his lips into a scowl. It was fun to get on his nerves. He sighed and waved his hand at the fish. It opened it's mouth and all of the sudden, words started to spew out like he was throwing up air.

"What are you thinking fool?! How dare you threaten me in this state! And you woman! Who are you to call me cute!? Men hate being called that-"

I cut him off with indignation.

"Well you aren't a man are you."

I heard a jolly laugh. I sidelooked at Luke. He was going at it for about five whole minutes. He was clutching his belly. He took a step forwards. Being in a bad mood from my monthy, I decided to do something to make myself feel better. I stuck my foot out in his path. He fell flat on his face. Lucky for him, the room was carpeted with a sheepskin.

That poor sheep...

One of his eyes turned electric green.

Wow... angry much? Wait... Is he a shapeshifter too? No way...

My mood seemed to worsen and my irritation level suddenly without warning, shot straight up. I was freaking out about absolutely nothing. I had major cramps and I needed to let loose my fury.  I rolled on the floor with pain and screamed, making Luke jump with fright.

"Go away! I hate everyone!"

I heard a roar to my left.

To the left to the left.

My heart soared and my mood immediately as I turned around and grinned with joy. I couldn't contain my excitement of what I beheld. I literally cried with happiness.

Oh gosh... I don't even need emoticons to say how I'm feeling. 

Leaping on my furry beast-friend, I buried my face in his silky fur. Lemongras had come for me.


Hope y'all enjoyed ^_^

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