The Savior Recruits

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Characters included: Xanthous, Tangerina, Skylene, Emerelda, Lucy and Brystal!

Xanthous was put in charge while Lucy, Emerelda, and Brystal were gone. He was probably the most responsible one out of the other two. But, he would look out the window to see if the three would come back. There was no sign of them. He tried to shake it off, he could have just been overreacting..

Skylene and Tangerina were watching the students. They would help them with their magic and make sure everything went safely. The two really didn't mind Brystal, Lucy, and Emerelda being gone for a few hours since they were too busy with the students.

"Should we be worried that a student can kill anyone or anything with just a touch?" Tangerina asked Skylene.

She thought about it for a bit but looked at Tangerina with a smile.

"Nahhh!" Skylene said as she continued helping out.

While the two were doing that, Xanthous went into Brystal's office. He was looking for something in particular but noticed a bird  flying towards the window of the academy. He opened the window but as he saw the bird coming closer, he noticed a note attached to it.

He grabbed the note from it's beak and opened the letter. He read over the words carefully and his eyes widened. It was a note from Lucy! He figured she sent the letter by her magic. I mean, she could spawn birds at anytime. Plus, the writing was really bad.

The letter dropped from Xanthous' grasp. He immediately rushed out the door to find the others.

"But, sharks are very wonderful creatures. We should keep one as a pet!" Skylene told Tangerina.

"One, sharks could eat people. Second, they have sharp teeth. Third, they are really ugly!" Tangerina said.

"I could tell you love sharks!" Skylene said sarcastically. "They aren't even that bad!"

"Are you ser-"

Tangerina and Skylene was stopped by Xanthous dragging the both of them to a different room.

"Um, Xanthous? We were sorta having a very important conversation.." Skylene said.

"Yeah, what's the big idea?" Tangerina asked him.

"Brystal, Emerelda, and Lucy have been elfnapped!" Xanthous exclaimed.

He was expecting the two to be panicking with him but they stood there with a puzzled look.

" 'Elfnapped'?" Tangerina questioned.

"Is that even a word? Xanthous, I think you need to read a dictionary or something," Skylene told him.

"Oh, I mean..BRYSTAL, EMERELDA, AND LUCY HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Xanthous restated his sentence.

"Well, their technically teenagers now b-" Skylene got interrupted by Xanthous.

"Oh come on! Just pack up and we will be leaving in a few minutes.." Xanthous gave up and walked out the room.

The two looked at each other and back at the door.


The three were out of the academy now, they left the oldest student in charge of the others. Tangerina, Skylene, and Xanthous were all packed up. They had enough water, food, and extra socks cause you know, just in case.

The three were now walking to their destination.

"A hidden palace, huh? Do you think there is a king or a prince?" Tangerina asked the two.

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