Lights, Cameras, and Action!

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Characters included: Lucy, Skylene, Tangerina, Emerelda, Brystal, and Xanthous!

(This chapter is sorta inspired by a reality show)

It was just a normal day in the academy..

"Hey kid, drink this.." Lucy handed the confused kid a potion.

The potion looked all bubbly and fizzy. It was a bright green color but it gave the person the chills..

"LUCY! Get that away from him!" Brystal snatched the potion from his grasps.


"Sometimes, I think Lucy can be a very bad example. I start questioning myself on why she was  even in the Fairy Council in the first place. I mean, she can be funny at times.." Brystal shrugged and continued, "But most of the time, she can be crazy. And, I mean like, REALLY CRAZY!" Brystal exclaimed.


"What? It's one hundred percent safe! I tried it on someone before, they just vomited all day, that's all.." Lucy waved her hand acting like it was no big deal.

" 'JUST VOMITED ALL DAY'?! ARE YOU NUTS?" Brystal shouted.


"I don't get why Brystal is acting like it's such a big deal. Vomiting is way better then dying, am I right or what?" Lucy rolled her eyes, "And did you guys notice when she said if I was nuts? Do I look like nuts to her? I mean, If I was, I think I would be a pistachio.." Lucy said quietly on the last sentence.


"Okay, Brystal. How about you try? Like I said, it's not that bad.." Lucy pointed at the potion in Brystal's left hand.

Brystal examined the potion in her hand carefully. She squinted her eyes but looked back at Lucy.

"Mmm, I don't know, Lucy.." Brystal said.

"Oh, c'mon! I promise you, it's not bad at all!" Lucy gave a thumbs up with a grin.

Brystal fell silent and looked back at the potion.

"And you say this is safe..?" Brystal asked.

"One hundred percent..." Lucy replied.

Brystal trusted Lucy with her heart and drank from the bottle. She felt fine at first but suddenly got drowsy and felt like throwing up. Brystal fell back and passed out on the floor. The kid looked like he was traumatized.

"See, told ya! She'll just be out for a few wee- I mean, days!" Lucy gave an innocent smile towards him.

Tangerina was with Emerelda in her room. Emerelda's room sure was piled with papers and letters everywhere. Tangerina wanted to talk with her and tried to start a conversation.

"I've always wanted to go to a ball, what about you, Em?" Tangerina asked.

"What's a 'ball'?" Emerelda looked at her with a puzzled look.

Tangerina gasped dramatically at her.


"There was no way Emerelda has never heard of a ball! It's like such a big thing! You get to dance and wear such stylish dresses! And- I'm getting way to ahead of myself, aren't I? But, Emerelda really is like in a bat in a cave but without even leaving her dark den!" Tangerina threw her hands up in the air.


"What? Was it something I said?" Emerelda questioned.

"You're joking, right?" Tangerina looked her up and down.

"Not really.." Emerelda looked away and back at her.

Tangerina sighed and put a hand on Emerelda's shoulder.

"I am very upset, Em." Tangerina said.

"What?! Why?" Emerelda exclaimed.


"Let me get this straight, Tangerina is upset about me not knowing what a 'ball' is? Oh, I'm sorry! I don't know everything! She looked so offended for some reason. I have never heard such a thing. Is it like watching execution in public or something?" Emerelda asked.


"Obviously because you don't know what a ball is!" Tangerina exclaimed.

"I didn't know it was mean.." Emerelda said.

"Well, it's not technically mean or anything. I was just shocked, okay?" Tangerina told her.

"But, you acted like it was such a big deal," Emerelda looked at her.

"It is!" Tangerina shouted.

"How though?" Emerelda asked.

Emerelda saw Tangerina grin from ear to ear.

"I'll tell you everything and will not leave out any minor details!" Tangerina told her excitedly.

"Oh boy.." Emerelda said to herself.

The whole day was just Tangerina explaining everything about the ball. Emerelda hung on to every word with amazement.

Xanthous and Skylene were playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with each other while the others were doing who knows what.

Skylene put her hands into scissors as Xanthous put his hands into a rock.

"Scissors can cut through rocks, right?" She looked up at him as Xanthous facepalmed.


"One question that runs through my mind is that.. is this really how Skylene is? Sometimes, I am very concerned for her. She thought that unicorns could poop out rainbows! This girl sure is um..something else," Xanthous said.


"No, I don't think so, Sky.." Xanthous replied.


"No." Xanthous said.

"Awww, dang it! You win then.." Skylene pouted.

"Yay! Victory is mine!" He clapped his hands with excitement.

"How do you do it?" Skylene asked.

"Do what?" Xanthous said to her curiously.

"Win, of course!" She exclaimed with her hands in the air.

"Oh, it's because you always choose scissors.." Xanthous answered.


"Um, am I suppose to say something? I don't even know why I'm here. Who am I even talking to?" Skylene looked around, confused. "Hello?"


"It's a good option, okay? Why do you always choose rock anyways?" Skylene questioned.

"Because rocks can beat scissors!" Xanthous replied.

"But, scissors can cut through rocks!" She said

"I refuse to let us go back to this topic.." Xanthous sighed.

Even if some of the members of the Fairy Council were crazy or chaotic. They all enjoyed each other's company, if it wasn't for Madame Weatherberry, they would have never been here or have met.

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