Happily Ever After

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Characters Included: Emerelda, Lucy, Brystal, Skylene, Tangerina, and Xanthous!

The Fairy Council were all outside, sitting down on the grass while they felt the breeze against their faces. They all wanted to have a break from all the stress they had on their shoulders.

"It's so great to finally have a break from what we have experienced.." Skylene said as she sighed.

"I know right.." Tangerina said, agreeing with her.

"I mean, we have been through a lot.." Emerelda said to herself.

"Yeah! Like, almost dying by elves, seeing this person named Alex, also seeing our future selves, me making a deadly dinner for you all, us turning opposite genders, Skylene almost killing people with a humongous fis-" Lucy got cut off before finishing.

"Hey! It was the fish's fault! Not mine at all!" Skylene argued.

"That you put a potion on to kill us.." Xanthous told her which caused Skylene to chuckle nervously.

"But, we have been with each other's side through it all.." Brystal smiled as the others did as well.

They all appreciated each other's company but the moment was to a pause as a black hole appeared.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Tangerina yelled out.

"Lucy! Aren't you capable of doing black holes?" Xanthous asked.

"Yeah but wh- HEY! Do you think that I'm doing this?" Lucy puts her hands on her hips.

"Eh, sorta.." Emerelda shrugged.

The black hole started to get bigger and bigger as one by one got sucked in. Brystal tried to stay on the surface but the energy was just too powerful as she fell in, screaming with fear.

When they were all falling in, the view was just depressing. There was nothing except black, just pitch black. It was like they were in the void where no heard their screams. Brystal closed her eyes, worrying. Before, they were having a relaxing day, but look at them now, falling down a black hole.

But, it wasn't going to be like that any longer..

Birds were chirping from the outside with a tune, sun was shining down it's beautiful light, and peacefulness was in the air. Brystal woke up and yawned silently as she looked at her surroundings. Brystal quickly stood up from her very comfortable bed as the sun shined down on her face.

The room was a room that Brystal has never seen before. Mostly, these type of rooms would be in palaces. There was a chandelier hanging down from the ceiling with beautiful crystals, shining the room with their glow. A whole entire wardrobe filled with shimmery dresses. A shelf full of books that had gorgeous designs on them. Lastly, a humongous bed that took half of the room.

Brystal rubbed her eyes and got out of bed but noticed her reflection in the mirror. She wore a dress that went all the way down her feet. It was a baby blue and shined in the sunlight. Brystal was puzzled as she looked at herself.

"I don't remember wearing this.." She said to herself.

Brystal examined herself but widened her eyes with worry. The last thing she remembered was falling down the black hole of emptiness. But, where were the others?

Brystal zoomed out of her room and gasped at the scenery. It was so magnificent and elegant. Just like her room, there was an even huger chandelier hanging down. A set of stairs going down that was covered with a red carpet and golden outlining. Brystal stared in awe.

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