"Oh, boy.."

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Characters Included: Brystal, Emerelda, Lucy, Xanthous, Skylene, Tangerina, and ?????!

Thank you so much for the suggestion @thepastafan21 :D

(Keep in mind that I suck at these kind of chapters-)

It was just an average day in the academy. The members of the Fairy Council were all having a meal together in the dining room. The room was filled with peace and quiet..

"I bet you that a horrible monster will burst from the entrance!" Lucy exclaimed.


"What the-" But, Tangerina soon got stopped by Brystal.

"Language." Brystal said.

"I didn't even-" Tangerina groaned when she got interrupted by Brystal again.

"Language." Brystal took a bite of her food while Tangerina silently glared at her.

"And when I thought that we were finally going to eat in peace.." Emerelda facepalmed.

"Let's be honest, Em. We never have a peaceful meal." Xanthous told her.

"Agreed, I will never forget that night when Lucy cooked for us.." Skylene said with fear in her voice.

Flashbacks started roaming Skylene's mind as she felt a shiver down her spine. It was truly a night to remember.

Suddenly, a knocked was echoed around the academy as the others looked at that direction, curiously.

"Told you a monster was going to burst from the entrance doors!" Lucy grinned.

"Technically, the "monster" knocked instead of bursting through the doors.." Brystal stood up and walked over to the doors of the academy.

The others looked at each other before following Brystal. Skylene wanted to finish her food but Tangerina dragged her anyway. They all stood beside Brystal as she opened the doors.

All of the members gasped by the person's appearance well, except Emerelda and Xanthous. The boy had black slick back hair as he combed it. He wore a white suit with golden outlining along with his outfit. He looked all fancied up, as if he was going to a dance.

"So, this must be the place.." He said as he put his comb in his left pocket.

"You sure are a handsome monster.." Lucy said as she smiled.

"Excuse me? Did you just call me a monster?" He said, obviously offended.

"Don't mind her. She's just being cuckoo like always.." Brystal went closer and closer to him.

Emerelda and Xanthous looked at each other and back at him.

"Oh no.." Xanthous said to himself.

"Things are going to get messy.." Emerelda rolled her eyes.

Brystal had butterflies in her stomach once again. He reminded her of Seven which hurt her the most..

"Why must a stunning and handsome come to this place, hmm?" Tangerina said, all up in his business.

Xanthous cringed a little. If he were that guy, he would have been very uncomfortable.

"I have come to inspect this academy, everyone at my house won't stop talking about it!" He exclaimed.

"I can give you a tour if you like!" Skylene said with a tint of blush.

"No, I can! Skylene can be a dummy sometimes.." Tangerina said.

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