| Part 14 |

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Seokjin's phone buzzed on the nightstand beside him. It was one of Jimin's positive messages that he sent to the group chat in the mornings before class started.

Today's message read, "Let's have a fun day at school!".

In Park Jimin style, he cutely ended the message with an emoji resembling a cat.

He smiled at his friend's message before returning his attention to the book in his hands.

'An experimental science fiction' is what he would describe it as. It delved into daring topics that people would rather not touch with a 60-foot pole and made it digestible for younger audiences.

It's one of Namjoon's current favorite books.

While Namjoon loves this book, Seokjin feels indifferent towards it. Truth be told, he's not a bookworm like his friend. He'd prefer to spend his time playing video games...or eating delicious food.

The main reason he's reading this book is Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon refuses to join any book clubs because he claims he's too busy. This means he has no one to rant to about the exciting, despairing, or thought-provoking book he just read.

That's how Seokjin came up with the brilliant idea to just read whatever his friend reads so he has someone to talk to.

He has his limits, of course.

If Namjoon suddenly gave Seokjin five books to read, he'd give them right back to him. But if Namjoon recommended him one book, he'd be sure to read it. That's why people may find Seokjin's nose stuck in a book rather than his phone.

"Jin?" Namjoon was knocking on his door, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah, come in."

Namjoon swung the door open and made sure no one was in the hall before whispering loudly, "Taehyung said it's happening on Thursday around 1 pm."

Realizing that he was talking about the bike thief, Seokjin nodded to his friend.

"Cool. See you at lunch-" Namjoon tried to leave but his friend stopped him after taking a look at his outfit.

"You're wearing slippers."

"Oh!" He laughed at himself, "Thanks."

This time Seokjin let his friend leave and went back to his book. After a few seconds, a faint breeze felt its way up to his arms giving him goosebumps.

He turned to the windows and they undoubtedly closed. The breeze came back again this time more noticeable and cold. 

Following the path of the breeze led his eyes to his dorm door.

Namjoon left it open.

Seokjin wondered how someone so intimidatingly intelligent, could be so clumsy and forgetful. He got out of his bed, fully clothed in baby blue pajamas, and walked towards his door. Namjoon must've forgotten to close his window before leaving. Being the nice guy he is, Seokjin walked over to his room to close it.

The door wasn't open, so he must've felt the breeze from under the door. It was strange considering it wasn't even that windy outside.

No matter, Seokjin opened his friend's door, spotted the open window, and closed it. Before leaving, he took in the scenery of the shared room.

Namjoon's roommate, Min Yoongi, was cleaner than Namjoon. Yoongi's bed wasn't even made and he still managed to outdo his friend.

Clothes, shoes, schedules, homework- it littered Namjoon's side of the room. Some papers hung on the wall, while crumpled paper populated the trashcan. It also seemed like Namjoon preferred his clothes to lay on his bed instead of hanging in the closet.

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