| Part 35 |

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"Hoseok, why are you pouting? Your mom said you can sleep over... Smile about it!" Taehyung poked his cheeks, hoping they'd move into a smile.

Ms. Jung had left after lunch was complete, and Mrs. Kim had disappeared to her office, pleased with how everything went. The rest of lunch had gone exactly as one would expect: Hoseok's mom asked and answered questions, getting to know everyone a little bit more. However, Hoseok noticed someone was asked more questions than anyone else.

Hoseok sighed, "My mom definitely likes Namjoon." He pushed his slipper off of his foot, "I don't want her to compare me to anyone..."

"You'll get used to it," Seokjin shrugged.

Taehyung nodded, "My dad loves Namjoon. He wants me to be more focused on studies like him."

Pink shaded Namjoon's cheeks, "Well, my mom talks about Jimin all the time. He's her favorite. We all have to deal with it, Hoseok."

Though he still didn't like the idea, Hoseok felt reassured. A butterfly outside caught his attention before a question popped into his mind.

"Hey, is Jimin really not joining us?"

Seokjin shook his head, "No, but we will see him tomorrow for our plan. Speaking of-"

"We need a plan." In sync as usual, Namjoon finished Seokjin's sentence easily. He looked around the living room, knowing someone would be within earshot, "Hoseokie poo, do you want to see Taehyung's art room?"

The other two burst out into fits of laughter as Hoseok grew red, "Hey! Forget my mom ever said that, okay?!"

Namjoon feigned ignorance, "Okay, okay."

Upstairs in the art room, Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin were doing their best to plan out what they'd do. Taehyung was painting a scene he was vaguely familiar with; the pet store. He was hoping to gain more information for his crew. 

"So, we'll have eyes inside and out, two cars as our escape, and our extractor. Seokjin and I will be the eyes. He'll be outside and I'll be in."

"We're in charge of looking out for anything suspicious," Namjoon explained. "Our drivers are Taehyung and Jimin. Since they are the only ones able to take their cars...we have no choice."

"Hoseok will be our extractor. He's friendly so I trust he'll be able to get what information we need."

"Hold on."

Namjoon looked at the phone Seokjin was balancing on his shoulder. Jimin was on the other line for ten minutes now. While attending a last-minute birthday party, he managed to slip away to answer Seokjin's call.

"No offense Namjoon...but you're not very observant. You shouldn't be our lookout."

Agreeing with Jimin, he said, "Okay...then I guess Hoseok and I can switch."

"And you can use your power to get the information!" Seokjin added.

Happily, Hoseok nodded, "That's smart."

"After we get the criminal's information, Superb can turn it in to the police."

Taehyung was all for this plan until Namjoon finished it with that sentence. He spoke while sketching, "Or we can keep that information and take him down ourselves..."

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows, "That's easier said than done, Tae. Who knows what kind of a threat they are?"

"I say we stick with the original plan," Seokjin said. Hoseok and Jimin quickly agreed.

This irritated the artist, but not enough for him to fight back any further.

"Right, so, after I get the information, Hoseok and Seokjin will go to Taehyung's car and I will be in Jimin's. We'll meet up at Seokjin's place since it's the closest. Does everyone understand?"

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