| Part 30 |

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"You've got to be kidding me."

Jungkook had said those exact words when he walked into his room last night. He managed to fall asleep alone in the music room and nearly missed curfew. That's why he was beyond thankful to make it to his room on time.

Unfortunately, his happiness dissipated when he spotted a small, navy suitcase in the middle of his floor. It was open, not a thing inside but a yellow sticky note.

'Let me know if you need another one :)' it read.

From an outsider, this seems like a sweet note from a friend letting Jungkook borrow his suitcase after asking for it. To Jungkook, this was nothing more than a giant middle finger.

It took him a while to figure that out, truthfully. At first, he thought it was meant for someone else and they had the wrong room, but that made little sense to him. Then he wondered: why a suitcase? Could someone be leaving for a trip? So he put it all together.

Suitcases are for leaving.

Sio told him to leave the school.

So the suitcase is a message to Jungkook, from Sio, to leave.

"You've got to be kidding me," left his mouth so easily. Sio disguised his hatred as a nice gesture, probably so Jungkook wouldn't use it against him. His ex-friend knows Jungkook is a 'snitch' so he's playing smart.

As soon as Sio realizes Jungkook isn't worth all of this effort, they can both go back to living their lives.


If Sio is the same as before, then giving up isn't an option for him. It would never be an option.

"Woah, Jungkook." Yoongi stared down at the small suitcase his friend rolled around. "You're leaving? Why? What happened? Why are you leaving?"

His tone was always calm, but Jungkook could hear undertones of concern.

"...No, I'm just keeping some stuff in here. I got it for free," he smiled.

"Oh...like a jumbo-sized lunch or...?"

Jungkook nudged him playfully as they walked into the building, "I do not eat that much!"

"That's a lie. That restaurant owner asked for a picture because he'd never seen someone eat that fast without choking."

 "You took a picture with him too."

"Don't remind me," Yoongi said scrolling through his phone as they headed up the stairs toward the music room. "I never want my face described as 'sugar' ever again."

"It's not that bad-"

Jungkook's arms flew out towards Yoongi on instinct when his friend tripped over a stair. He looked as if he just saw a ghost, but his eyes were on his phone. Without acknowledging Jungkook's help, Yoongi lightly pushed his friend away. He began walking again with his friend.

"Are you okay?"

'Superheroes Officially Real' were the first words to enter Yoongi's vision as soon as he opened a new browser.

The thought that everyone knew what happened at the restaurant...that everyone knows about his powers... It was terrifying.

Yet, when he opened the article, it didn't say anything about electricity, shocking, or even a restaurant. It was about an attempted robbery that happened within the last 12 hours.

Relieved, Yoongi looked at a confused Jungkook and back at his phone, "I'm fine, but why is everyone losing their common sense?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

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