| Part 29 |

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"How about Danny?"

"Too busy with extra classes."


"He's into singing."


"Is that a joke?"

Namjoon threw his hands in the air out of frustration. Jimin had paired with the committee president to find the rest of the welcoming committee, but it didn't prove easy. Everyone they had complete trust in was already on the Welcoming Committee team; both male and female.

"I don't know what we're going to do," Namjoon huffed. "Those were all my suggestions- and even I know that Sio is the biggest stretch."

Jimin picked at the end of his pencil, "There has to be someone. Even one person could help keep our secret."

"If there were a person like that, they would have already come to mind."

His smaller friend nodded, disheartened.

"Are you two done over there?"

The two turned towards the front of the classroom to see Taehyung waving the chalkboard eraser at them. The other three were focusing on creating their other identities. Taehyung took it upon himself to be in charge. He made sure those three had finished their creations before interrupting his friends.

Jimin looked back at Namjoon, "We're done for now."

"Good!" Taehyung said as the two joined them at the desks. "We have our names ready. I'm Vilhouette. It's Silhouette with a V for victory."

Seokjin placed a hand over his heart, "I'm Agent Handsome, or Handsome for short."

"We couldn't talk him out of it," Taehyung whispered.

Lastly, Hoseok showed off a page from his notebook where he wrote 'HOPE' as big as he could. "My hero name is Hope! It just has a nice ring to it, right?"

After their friends agreed, Taehyung spoke, "We have our names but the costumes will take time to make..."

"What do you mean?" Namjoon quipped. "You're making our costumes?"

"No, my dad is making our costumes!"

Hoseok nearly jumped out of his seat, "Your dad?!... We can tell our parents about SuperB?"

"Definitely not," Seokjin crossed his arms over his chest.

"Relax, guys, I haven't told him anything...yet."

"Why are you telling him at all? We have to be careful about this," it was Jimin this time. The dissatisfaction wasn't hidden on his face.

"My dad is Korea's best fashion designer. He'd make us the coolest costumes!"

That couldn't be argued with. Daring designs are how his father was noticed in the world of fashion. Taehyung could see the apprehension in all of their eyes, however. He knew if he backed down now, he'd never be able to bring this up again.

"What if it wasn't me asking for costumes," he suggested, "...but Namjoon telling him to make our costumes?"

"With his power?... Would that work?" Jimin asked.

"Of course it will."

Namjoon stood up, "Hold on. It's not permanent, so what happens when my power wears off?"

Taehyung stood too, attempting to match his friend's height, "Um, we'll just have to remind him!... Come on, guys, he'd love to make costumes for superheroes."

"It's," Hoseok smiled brightly, "...not a bad idea."

"It's better than making anything myself," Seokjin shrugged.

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