| Part 22 |

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"One...Two...Two and a half..."

Today, Taehyung couldn't hide his excitement anymore for his painting. Hiding the canvas from someone he shared a room with proved to be difficult enough. Now, he could finally show him. He held his hands over Hoseok's eyes loosely.

The weekend after the party was relatively normal for them all. Not a single strange feeling or surprise. They spent quality time with their families or just relaxing. 

On Monday, Taehyung rushed to school to beat the always-punctual-Hoseok. The painting he made for his friend was still hiding behind his desk in his room. Yes, the lovely artwork he worked hard on was collecting dust. This is why he had to give it to Hoseok now that the time was right.

"Two and three quarters...Two and one quarter-"

"You're going backwards!" Hoseok laughed.

"Okay, okay..." He removed his hands and folded them behind his back, "Ta-da!"

Hoseok's curious coffee-brown eyes were awestruck as soon as they opened. He examined every square inch of it, from the colors to the brushstroke style. Taehyung waited patiently for a verbal response (something Hoseok does out of habit).

The room stayed so quiet that they heard someone cough in the next room.

"So...?" Taehyung nudged him softly with his elbow.

Hoseok blinked a few times, "It's....not what I was expecting...?... Wow, thank you!"

"Really? Do you really like it?" He missed the confusion in his friend's voice.

Hoseok looked to his side to see his friend's eyes twinkle with pride, "Of course, it's amazing! But... I thought you said it was a painting of me?"

Taehyung's nodded, "That is you!"

He pointed his finger towards the yellow sun that took up most of the canvas. It had a face painted on that looked more like a dog than Hoseok. The orange and white dripping paint style in the background did look nice- Hoseok could applaud that.

"Oh!" Hoseok looked at the shapes in the corner of the canvas, "...Am I pooping out something blue?"

"That's the planet Neptune," Taehyung's smile dropped, "I thought you said you liked it..."

"I do like it! I've never seen anything like it," He hugged Taehyung before picking up the artwork. Abstract art may not be his favorite, but his new friend made it for him- he was very thankful.

"Where do you want to hang it up?" Taehyung asked. There wasn't any room on the walls for the canvas, so he took down one of his old paintings. "How about here?"

It was the wall across from the window- the sun would shine directly on it every day.



Hoseok's gaze rose from his phone when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. To his surprise, one of Taehyung's friends, Jiho, stood before him. Jiho held tightly onto his phone with a face devoid of any happiness. It was a foreign look for such a fun-loving guy. The downhearted student pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Hey...is everything alright?" Hoseok asked while turning to face him.

Jiho looked down at his hands, not wanting to start the conversation like this, "You're friends with Princess, right? Can you ask her not to bring up my dog anymore?"


Friends with Princess? Hoseok did find himself talking to Princess, even if she did most of the talking. Sure, he'd consider them friends at this point. But why did he not want her talking about his dog?

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