| Part 34 |

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Namjoon stood just outside of the crowd that was forming, using his height to gather more information on the situation. Phones were out of students' pockets and in their hands recording or snapping pictures. He sighed before turning to his friends.

"I guess Jimin's going home with his parents."

Taehyung, maneuvered his head around to try and catch a glimpse of Jimin entering the car.

"So it's just us?"

Seokjin shrugged, "It's just us."


Since it was early morning when they left, everyone had taken a nap during the car ride. And how could they not? Taehyung's parents' car was maxed out with comfort. From the cushioned seats to the cool AC, it was heaven.

Upon arriving at the Kim Manor, Namjoon was the first to wake. He quickly woke his friends as the car pulled into the entry driveway. A beautiful older woman in a long black dress, cream-colored blazer and heels was standing outside of the front doors, waiting.

Taehyung didn't wait for the driver to finish parking before he swung the car door open and ran up the stone steps to greet his mom. He nearly tackled the smaller woman with a hug. It always warmed his heart to see either of his parents considering how much they travel. When he was younger, he saw them even less.

Namjoon and Seokjin were a minute behind the boy, opting to walk instead of sprinting like their friend chose. Mrs. Kim was more than happy to receive hugs from everyone. She asked about their moods, and if they'd eaten. She was always warmth personified. Everyone that knew her stayed close to feel her sunshine warm them from their cold moods.

"Wait," Mrs. Kim looked towards the parked car for confirmation, "One of my children is missing."

Taehyung huffed, "Jimin's with his family this weekend."

"Ah, I suppose the Parks aren't coming over for dinner then?"

"Nope. But there is something I forgot to mention..." Taehyung smiled as his mom raised a curious eyebrow, "Our new friend is coming over!"

"...New friend?"

"Jung Hoseok, he's a transfer student," Namjoon answered. "His mom wanted to meet you before he's allowed to stay over. I think they'll be here in two hours?"

"Two hours?!" Mrs. Kim brought out her phone from her pocket and started tapping away. "Will that be enough time for a cake to be made? Do you know what their dietary preferences are?"

All boys spoke simultaneously, "Uh..."

"Time is of the essence, boys! I need to prepare!" Mrs. Kim left them all in a panic to get to her cooks. Taehyung watched as his mom narrowly avoided bumping into a worker by the staircase. With a shrug, Taehyung entered with his friends following behind. They switched out their shoes for fluffy slippers that hung on racks.

"Is that new?" Seokjin asked pointing to a glass display case full of foreign vases. The top left vase used to be blue, but now it was a vibrant white with a more rectangular shape.

"Yeah, it's from our Italy trip-"

"Kim Taehyung!"

The old lady that called out to the boy was the head maid. She's very close to the Kim Family as well as the head butler. In her case, she's seen Taehyung grow from a newborn infant to the 17-year-old he is now.

"Mellie!" When she hugged him tight, she looked at the other boys, "Oh my, your friends came! Come here," Maid Mellie motioned for them to join, hugging them all tightly (despite their efforts to not get squeezed to death).

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