| Part 15 |

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*long chapter warning*There was something...new in the air.

All of the students of L.Y.P.A. entered the school building with an unexplained sense of anticipation. It filled the air in every hall, classroom, and janitor's closet- making it impossible to avoid.

A few groups of students came up with ideas like a field trip to France, or that there'd be a new couple. All morning they talked about every possibility, almost missing that the Male Welcoming Committee never left the dorms.

Kim Princess (the popular girl who can never mind her own business) was the only one to notice this. As soon as she pointed this out, everyone began talking about the committee students.

Their questions would only get answered 15 minutes before class began when the missing students finally arrived.

It was amazing to Jung Hoseok how every pair of curious eyes in the hallway immediately landed on him. He knew why they were looking since Namjoon explained it to him yesterday.

Namjoon had informed him of their tradition within the committee. It was knowledge passed down from previous members that graduated already:

'It may seem odd, but where you walk matters.'

Instead of walking awkwardly between the shocked students, Hoseok started waving and nodding politely.

'We walk down the middle of the hallway because we're respected and liked. Anyone can do it, but only a few get the hall cleared for them to pass through.'

 The other students moved so quickly out of their way, it was like they were afraid of the boys. However, when a few students started waving back at Hoseok, he knew it was the opposite.

'I walk in the front because I'm the president of the committee. Next to me is Jimin, and behind me are Taehyung and Seokjin. I'd let you walk behind us but...you need to stand out.'

 Hoseok hesitantly turned to his left and saw Namjoon give him a quick smile of reassurance.

Behind him were Taehyung, Seokjin, and a pouting Jimin. It was obvious that his spot being stolen was the reason for his pouting.

'Hoseok, you'll walk beside me and everyone else can walk behind us. I want you to stand out so everyone knows who our newest official member is.'

A girl, one that no one in the group knew, stepped out and cleared her throat. With her eyes trained on the eccentric boy, she asked,

"Why is he walking with you?"

Namjoon chuckled, giving the answer that everyone already knew in their hearts, "He's our newest member."


Her dumbfounded scream was an invitation for everyone to start talking amongst themselves and throwing questions at the boys. They continued walking however, they had classes to get to.

"I thought you only get new members when the old members leave?!"

Seokjin answered vaguely, "There's been a few changes."

"Changes like what?"

Namjoon answered this time, "Let's focus on congratulating, Hoseok."

Despite saying this, the students still threw questions at them occasionally. Namjoon ignored the curious students and opened the door to Hoseok's classroom. Hoseok nodded, showing his appreciation before entering the room.

After taking his seat, he let his shoulders relax from standing with perfect posture through the halls.

He's never walked with them before today. Since he was the only one in this homeroom, he simply met up with the others wherever they were.

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