| Part 21 |

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Full of worry, Mrs. Min pulled into their four-car garage. 

One quick glance into her rearview mirror let her know her son was still fast asleep in the back seat. He always looked peaceful while sleeping, and she'd normally find herself staring for a little while. Oddly, this time felt different.

Earlier, she received a call from an unknown number and was surprised to hear her son's voice on the other end. He rambled on and on about how sorry he was for staying out so late, how his phone died, and how he had to ask a stranger for their phone. The whole thing caught her off-guard. Without question, she drove out to pick up her son from the library.

Yoongi was exhausted when she arrived. He slouched over when he climbed into the car and fell asleep almost immediately. She drove more carefully after that.

"Yoongi," she called, only to receive a light snore as an answer. She spoke a little louder, "Yoongi?"

Still nothing. Instead of calling him a third time, she reached back and tapped him on the leg. Her son shot awake with fear in his eyes until he came to his senses... It was only his mother. He didn't need to worry anymore.

Mrs. Min raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior.  He wasn't ever the type to be jumpy when startled. Either way, she kept her thoughts to herself.

The two entered the house greeted by the on-duty staff as they made their way to the grand living room.

In the dark, Mr. Min sat in his leather armchair with a book in his hands and glasses resting on the tip of his nose. There was a small, silver lamp turned on beside him. Yoongi expected any kind of reaction from him, but he continued reading quietly. He wasn't complaining. Going to sleep was the only thing on his mind right now.

He dragged his feet across the linoleum floor, almost making it to the staircase when his dad set his book down.

"Where are you going?"

When he peeked over his shoulder, he saw his dad sitting with his hands folded. His mom had taken a seat on the couch adjacent, a worried look resting on her face.

Yoongi did a (reluctant) 180 and sat on the far end of the couch. His eyes never left the ground. If he was going to be reprimanded, he'd rather just get it over with.

"Why were you late? You have a curfew now, remember?" His dad didn't raise his voice when speaking to him, he knew it wouldn't do any good to yell.

"I couldn't check the time...my phone died." It was only partially true since his phone was drained of its battery power.

"Why do you look so down?" His mom asked.

"Just tired..."

"You were fine before you left," she pushed.

This conversation was going to drag on, and that was the last thing he wanted. After everything that happened, he feels drained. Physically and mentally.

"Okay, I'm sorry for being careless. I'll pay more attention from now on."

"Min Yoongi, do not use that tone-" She paused halfway when she realized he hadn't given her any attitude. Usually, he'd be acting more like a child; whining, huffing, and rolling his eyes.

His respectful words caught both parents off guard. They stared at each other, having a silent conversation with their eyes.

"Ahem," his dad said after the awkward silence grew, "I expect you to pay more attention. You can...you can go to your room now."

A sigh of relief passed Yoongi's lips as he stood up, head hanging low, and made his way to his room. His parents were left downstairs, unsure whether they should be proud. Taking into consideration his demeanor, they shouldn't be feeling any satisfaction with him.

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