| Part 3 |

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Yoongi picked up another magnetic dart from the dart pile, threw it at the magnetic board, and hit a bullseye.

It was his third one in a row.

"Min Yoongi...they promised you a solo room but what is this?"

He looked over at the bed across the room from him.

The black bedding was messy. The fluffy black blanket was hanging off of the bed onto the floor. There was a dresser with papers and books on it, which is probably because there was no room for it on the desk.

Yoongi was grossed out by the food containers on the other person's desk. At least they were empty.

He continued talking to himself, "You'll have to confront them about this mistreatment."

Yoongi picked up another magnetic dart and threw it at the board.

Unfortunately, someone walked in right as he threw it, and instead of hitting the board, he hit the student in his chest.

"My bad!- Kim Namjoon?"

Namjoon picked up the dart, "Min Yoongi! I was looking for you."

"...So you walk into my room?"

Namjoon chuckled, "This is my room as well."

"Oh," Yoongi sat up, "Can I have my dart back?"

Namjoon tossed the dart back to Yoongi and walked over to his side of the room.

It was surprisingly very spacious; Yoongi was thankful for that.

"I must've forgotten to clean my room earlier," Namjoon said before he started cleaning up the food containers. "Yet, it's just going to get dirty again so there's no point in cleaning it."

"Mhm," Yoongi halfheartedly mumbled as he threw another dart on the board.

"Anyway I wanted to ask if you're coming to dinner," Namjoon asked, turning to him. "Don't worry, you don't have to eat with us anymore if you don't want to."

Despite his body telling him not to go and just sleep, he's going to go because he really wants those barbeque short ribs.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

Hoseok and Taehyung walked to their rooms together. They spoke to each other as if they'd been friends for years.

"I wish we were in the same class, dude. You'd have so much fun with us!" Taehyung said disappointedly.

"Namjoon and Jimin are in your class, too?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, we're usually in the same class."

Taehyung stopped at a wooden door with a small whiteboard hanging on it.

It said,

'Kim Taehyung is back! But if I owe you anything, I'm still in Italy!'

Hoseok smiled at the sign, "You were in Italy?"

"Yeah, for the past month! I had fun and-" Taehyung opened the door and lost track of what he was saying, "My side is on the left!"

While Taehyung ran over to his bed, Hoseok took in the room.

On the walls were a few paintings differing in complexity. One was simply an apple, while the other was a more abstract depiction of a pond. In the middle of the floor, there was a tarp under an easel.

There wasn't any paint around, because Taehyung needed to buy some new ones.

"Coming in?" Taehyung finished a bag of chips that he left in his room all day.

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