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"Who is the one who made us into study machines? It's either number one or a failure. They trap us in borders, the adults. There's no choice but to consent. Even if we think simply, it's the survival of the fittest. Who do you think is the one who makes us step on even our close friends to climb up? What?" -N.O by BTS


She sat uncomfortably in her seat, facing her parents. Her brother wasn't there but it wasn't like that helped either. It never did.

"So, what rank are you on Ildracaena?" Her mother asked, not bothering to even look her into the eyes.

"I-" She didn't even get to say anything before her father cut in.

"Last time I checked, you weren't even in the Top 10."


"When your brother was your age, he never fell from the number one spot."

She hated her parents for comparing her to her brother 24/7, never giving her a break from the comparisons, the wants from her parents.

But could she blame them? She wasn't good at anything, she didn't have good grades, she didn't have anything her brother had, aside from the same last name.

Her brother was the most perfect child, the most perfect student, never failing to impress with his academics or ranks in Ildracaena. It worked against her, the expectations from her brother passing onto her.

"Ildracaena is down right now because of a rebellion," She informed them bitterly, biting her lip.

"You should still try to do well."

"That's not how it works though."

She tried to eat with as much care as possible, only to drop a bit into her bowl, the food creating a less than pretty noise.

"You can't even eat without dropping food."

"Your brother drinks soup without any noise, he even eats politely. Did you even pray before you ate?"

Maybe if she wasn't born into this family as the imperfect daughter, she wouldn't be faced with these words of criticism.

"I can't be who you want me to be."

Maybe if she worked harder, she would no longer be compared to everybody around her by the people who were supposed to love her.

"Don't speak back to your parents, Minyeon."

Maybe if she could push herself more, she could finally relieve herself from all the pressure that was breaking her.


Just maybe.


Can't even get your own daughter's name right.


"Naram, seriously, are you alright?"
"Did you get injured by anyone?"
"Do you feel okay?"
"Do you need us to take you to the hospital?"
"Does any part of your body hurt?"
"Is your mental health okay?"

Naram sighed, pulling on her seatbelt and answering all of her parents' questions in just three words: "I'm completely fine."

Her parents simultaneously breathed sighs of relief, glad that their daughter was okay. Then, obviously not done talking yet, they continued expressing their pride, amazement, and concern over their daughter's recent actions.

"I'm so proud of you!"
"You really have grown up, Naram."

"Wow, I-"

Naram cut them off by pointing out that they were already home. "Can we please discuss this more inside the house?"

"Alright. Sure, I think that'd be better than talking in the car," Naram's father agreed, getting out of the driver's seat and swinging open the door to the backseat so that his daughter could get out as if she was royalty.

Once inside the house, Naram and her parents sat down around the dining room table, her mother bringing them all a plate of fruits to eat while they talked.

"So, what happened? We were at work when one of our coworkers informed us that you were on a viral livestream, so we drove to the school as quickly as we could and found you literally getting mobbed by staff and students," her father summarized.

Her mother nodded. "It's a good thing people like the principal and Johsa were there to help, or else this could have taken a really bad turn."

Naram finished chewing a piece of melon, then began her explanation. "So, it all started when Principal Kim gave me an opportunity to explain everything that happened at the party."

Both of Naram's parents shuddered a little, remembering the condition their daughter had been in after that traumatizing incident and the terrifying note from Solhee. Everything that Naram had gone through because of it...

"Anyways, I had an idea this morning, while you two were at work, right before I left for school. I was thinking about Solhee's note and the fact that her death was caused solely by the structure and causes of the lldracaena," Naram continued.

She paused for a moment, as if recalling the events from the morning that seemed like it had happened so long ago. "Then I began to wonder about the way the lldracaena affected the whole school, and it just seemed like there was no benefit to it at all."

"And so I brought it up in my explanation and also during lunch to raise awareness for the issue, and even started that livestream after school so the rest of the world knows what we're going through, and then the stream crashed, and that's when the two of you showed up," she finished.

Her parents sat there staring, pieces of fruit raised to their mouths. They were so insanely impressed by their daughter for doing such a thoughtful and brave thing.

"That was just so amazing of you."
"I'm speechless."

"I'm so proud of you, Naram."

"You're a hero, speaking up for those who need to be heard."

The girl looked down modestly, flattered by the support and compliments from her parents. "Yeah, I think everyone should be equal, regardless of their rank, you know?"

Her father nodded, then placed his hand on her shoulder. "Naram, we're so happy for you, we really are. Now, your mother and I need to leave for a meeting soon, so go to your room, and relax, you've had a wild day today." 


wow family differences am I right-

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