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"Call them, gather them, we gather, There's lots of time in the weekend, What's up, you came?, Plans with no plans, So what uh, The day is long, Fade out any worries" -Best Friend by NCT DREAM


"Wow, this is absolutely wild," Jisung muttered to himself, running a hand through his hair and almost accidentally dropping his phone on his face in the process.

The school had just posted an announcement saying that school was cancelled for the day, and it would be cancelled until everything calmed down a little bit. He had a feeling that wasn't going to happen, considering Naram had just started with her rebellion.

He had watched a little bit of Naram's livestream earlier, before it was ended, and he had to say, he admired the girl's courage. She was risking so much for the comfort of the other students, standing up for them, and it impressed him.

Because everything had happened so suddenly, none of the students were provided with any extra work from the school. They were free to do whatever they wanted.

Wait, I should see if Naram's doing okay, Jisung suddenly realized, knowing how stressed she probably was from all that she was doing. After hesitating for a moment, he sent a text message to her, hoping that she would reply soon.

Hey Naram
how are you doing?

A moment later, he got a notification that the girl had replied back.

I'm doing okay, a little scared, though
Thanks for checking on me

yeah, no problem
what's going on?

I'm basically on house arrest
Well not really, but I can't leave the house
And all I wanted to do was speak for students like Solhee

yeah, that was brave of you

And they crashed my stream!
I just want others to know what we're going through

the stream was really good
i watched some of it
are you okay, though?

I'm kind of holding up I guess

sorry that they're all reacting this way
you're doing great things

Yeah, but I don't know
Why are the staff all like this?
I can't even leave the house for fear of getting mobbed
Even Principal Kim agrees with me

Jisung considered this for a moment. He wanted to comfort and encourage Naram, because he really did admire her bravery, but had no idea how to do it.

i think it just benefits them
even though that doesn't mean it's good for us

I don't even know if they care about us

don't be bothered by them though
they're just trying to stir things up
your live went viral and a bunch of people are reposting it on your behalf anyways

Thanks Ji


The sound of Naram's doorbell ringing resonated through the house. The girl jumped up from her bed where she had been texting Jisung, quickly telling him that she needed to go and thanking him for checking up on her. It warmed her heart, it really did.

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