Update about this book.

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Hello everyone out there on the internet. I'll like to apologize before anything for not keeping this book updated after a long time. School has been draining me most of these days and I haven't been able to actually do much about it, but besides that, I have a sorta big announcement to make.

No, I'm not canceling this book. On the contrary, I'm going to be revising and revamping it in some sense. I feel like this story needs the justice it so rightfully deserves, and the readers who've kept reading it needs some type of reward for their continued support of the book.

So, I'll be changing off a few things of the book. Firstly, at the beginning, I've said that this book would play out as a visual novel of some sort. Therefore, I'll be making special cgs to current existing and future chapters. This way, you guys can both read and see what's happening in that current scene. Like for example, (the only one I'm going to tease), when Kyle gets into a fight with that guy at the movie theater. Those types of scenes will get their own cgs. Maybe this way, it will feel more like a vn while giving the story more life.

Next, I'll be changing a few things about the story and characters to make them feel more flesh out and actually have their own personalities that everyone can like in some way. Because as of recently, I've noticed that everyone if currently in the hots for Tanner, and I'd like the other two to have a fair chance while they still retain their personalities and character traits. Since most of you seem to really dislike Felix and some feel a bit unsure about Kyle. I'll try to keep Tanner somewhat similar to what he was before since most of you really liked him.

Next on the list, I'll be fixing some plot errors, typos, and generally fixing the way I write since my writing can be seen to change from the first chapter compared to the most recent one, and I'd like to keep that type of evolved writing throughout all the chapters. Chapter lengths will also be kept to somewhat the same length, except for special occasions.

I know this all seems like a lot and I know that it will take some time for all of these things to happen. But I would like to thank all who have continually supported this little book of mine and hope you're excited about what's to come of it. When I started this, I didn't really think to get the type of recognition and support I have gotten up until now, and for that, I thank you all.

Well, that's probably all the news I have for now. Note, no new chapter shall be released until all the past chapters have been thoroughly revised and changed. So I hope you'll all bear with me until then. Again, thank you all.

If you have any questions, constructive criticism, or any thoughts about the book, you can find me on Twitter @LuluWolffy. I'll probably post updates on which chapters have been updated and such there.

Edit: Revised and revamped chapters from now on will have a * next to them to signal they are updated. For example, "Chapter 1*..." so on and so forth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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