Chapter 13 - Uncertainty

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Shades' P.O.V.

I moved as fast as my feet could carry me. I did not want to face an angry Ivan, but by the looks of it, I may be heading towards just that.

I just hope he doesn't find out where I was, but being honest, he'll probably extract the truth from me. Which kinda scares me.

I ran into my dorm building, heading up the stairs as fast as I could. I got a couple of weird looks from the furs that were for some reason still up roaming around the halls.

Once I approached my dorm, I stopped running. If Ivan was indeed inside, he would most likely hear my footsteps before I even reached the door.

I slowly walked up to it, grabbed my keys, and unlocked the door. With a flick of a wrist, I opened the door slowly, trying to not make any sounds.

I took a little peek inside the room, and to my relief, Ivan didn't appear to be inside.

I let out a relieved sigh and walked in the room. Now all I have to do is think of a clever excuse as to why I came so late. Maybe I can tell him that-

I jumped and my eyes widened as I heard the door slam shut behind me. I was a bit scared to look back, as I was afraid on who it might be, although, I already knew who it was.

"Where were you, and why are you back so late?" Ivan said. I could sense that he was madly angry by the tone of his voice, and I could feel him shooting daggers at my back with his stare.

I slowly turned around to face him, and my ears drooped as I saw him standing next to the door, arms crossed, and his expression that being of a very pissed off one.

Quick, Shade, think of something!

"Um, well, you see, I was just exploring the city by myself, and I kinda got lost." I lied.

Really?! I got lost?! That's the best I could think of?! Ivan is totally not going to buy that!

Ivan angrily sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I'll ask once again, and this time, don't you dare lie to me?" He threatened, causing a shiver to go down my spine.

"L-Lying? Why do you think I'm lying?" I asked. I know that my excuse wasn't that believable, but he straight out struck it down.

"Shade, we may not spend every day together or something of those sorts, but I already figured out when you lie. You do something that clearly tells me you're lying." Ivan informed.

Wait, I do something when I lie? Is it something I do unconsciously? "I do?" I asked.

"Yes. When you lie, your right ear twitches." He said, pointing at my right ear.

My right ear twitches? How come I don't feel it do so? "O-Oh..." I said, as my moved my gaze away from him, feeling a little ashamed that I've been caught red handed.

"Yeah, oh. Now, could you answer me, honestly? Where were you?" He asked, staring right at me. Man, who know Ivan could be so intimidating.

I sighed, seeing as I already knew this would happen, but would try to not let it happen. I looked over at Ivan. "I was at the movies..." I started, fiddling with my thumbs, trying to delay the next part.

"With... Kyle.." I finally managed to say. As soon as I said that, I saw how Ivan's eyes flared up with rage.

"You what?! Shade, I told you to stay away from him!" Ivan shouted, pointing at me.

"I-I know, but, I still think that Kyle isn't that bad!" I retorted back. Why does Ivan have such a grudge against Kyle?

Sure, he got me drunk and "had his hands all over me" afterwards. Whatever that means. But Kyle has shown me that he isn't that bad. Especially after he stood up for me against that jerk.

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