Chapter 3 - Football Player

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Shade's P.O.V.

I decided to the left, over to where the football stadium was. I was never that interested in football back when I was in high school, but I might aswell get more involved. I made my way over, passing through the multiple furs.

As I entered the stadium I saw that there weren't any other furs, except for some girls who were giggling and gawking over some of the football players.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to bleachers and made myself comfortable. Looking down I saw the multiple football players practicing and the coach constantly yelling and ordering them around, but he was giving one of them a hard time. I felt kinda bad for the guy. Football can be a very rough and difficult sport, but you aren't gonna make your players better by just yelling at them.

The coach called all of them to huddle up, after giving them what I think was a pep talk and called practice over. The guy who the coach was giving a hard time removed his helmet revealing his beautiful face.

I was mesmerized by him. He was a gray husky, I guess he was 6", but I'm not so sure. He may be older than me, but again, I'm not so sure. I found myself just gazing at his attractive face. I could only imagine the kind of body this guy must have.

My staring was cut short as I saw the husky turn his view over to my direction, and out of nowhere he winked. My face turned a bright red. He couldn't be winking at me could he?

My attention turned over to the group of girls who started giggling like crazy. They must think that wink was for them, well, it must have been for them. A guy that hot wouldn't be gay, I found that out the hard way.

Seeing as there was no point for me to stay here, I decided it would be best for me to continue roaming around the college. I still have a few more hours until it's time to go back to the dorm.

I made my way out of the bleacher and headed back to the courtyard. I noticed that there weren't as many furs as there was before. I looked over to where the coffee shop was and noticed a huge crowd around it.

Being the curious fur I am, I made my way over to see what happened. As I approached I saw that there were a lot of police officers and an ambulance. I tried to peek over the huge crowd in front of the coffee shop to see a man getting carried over to the ambulence.

"Hey, what happened?" Asked a pink fox.

"Apparently there was a shot out, and the owner of the shop got shot." Said a big green dragon.

"Really?! Did they catch the shooters?" Said the fox.

"Unfortunately, no." The dragon said.

Waoh, first day in college and there already is a shootout. It's a good thing I didn't came over here before, it would have not been pretty if I got involved in all the chaos. I hope the owner of the shop is well.

OK, time to continue on my stroll around the college. I quickly turned around and headed to what looked like the music department of the college.

As I entered, the environment and vibe of the whole place seemed to ease me. I don't know what it is, but this place could calm anyone by how calm and serene it is. I walk through the halls looking at the various music rooms that had multiple furs in them playing a various amounts of musical instruments.

My ears perked up as I heard a piano being played. The melody and rythym sounded quiet peaceful, and to be honest it was played beautifully. I walked over to where the noice came from and peeked at the door.

As I looked inside, I notice a big piano in the corner of the room. I saw that there was a red fox playing, and he seemed to be enjoying playing it. The way that his hands moved throughout the piano and the way he moves so smoothly and efficiently put a smile on my face.

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