Chapter 15 - Cocky Flirter

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Shade's P.O.V.

With a groggy yawn, I stirred from my sleep, slowly sitting up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked around the room and noticed that Ivan's bed was already empty. He must already be in class by now.

With another yawn, I stood up from my bed and stretched, a few bones popping as I did so. I checked my phone and saw that it was 11:48 am. Well, I only had one class in a couple of hours, so I could go to the cafeteria, get some food and then maybe walk around campus and see if anything is interesting to do before I have to go to class.

After going to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower, I headed towards the cafeteria. I could already sense my stomach growling at me that it needed food in it.

After arriving I quickly stepped into the line that was already forming by the furs that also needed food in them.

I looked around the cafeteria. It wasn't as full and there were only a few furs enjoying their food. After the line kept moving, I finally got my food. A nice omelet with some coffee. I still felt a little sleepy, so the coffee will be a big help in waking me up.

After paying for my food, I walked over and sat at a vacant table. I brought my phone up and looked to see that I still had a couple of hours before I needed to be in class.

"Hey, Shade." Someone familiar said from behind me. I turned around to see Tanner standing behind me, a smile on his face.

A smile crept on my face. "Hey, Tanner." I greeted, turning around from my chair to face him.

"How've ya been?" He said as he walked up to my table and sat at the chair across from me.

I turned again to face him. "I've been pretty good. How about you?" I asked, taking another bite from my omelet.

"I'm doing pretty good too. Oh, I was meaning to ask, I was gonna ask you through text, but I'll ask you now since I have you here. Do you want to come to the football game tonight?" He asked, crossing his arms on the table, a hopeful smile on his face.

I slightly tilted my head. "To the football game?" I asked.

"Yeah, tonight is the quarterfinals. We're going up against the guys over at GrimClaw University." He informed.

GrimClaw University? I thought for a moment. Why does that name sound so familiar?

Also, he wants me to go to a football game? I don't know if going to a football game will be good for me. Each time I think about a football game or football in general, all I can think about is him.

That filthy, backstabbing, son of a bi-

"Shade? You ok?" Tanner asked, taking me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him and saw that he had a concerned look on his face.

Crap. I must've let my emotions take over there. I forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm ok."

He looked at me skeptically. But he must've sensed something was up and dropped it; which I was thankful for. I didn't need to open the lid on that can of worms. "Well, you don't have to come if you don't want to." He said awkwardly as he leaned back on his chair and rubbed the back of his head.

I mentally sighed. On one hand, being in a football game will only bring me painful old memories, while on the other hand, I could be there for Tanner and support him by going to the game. Although, I don't know if I should go all by myself. Aren't football games supposed to be enjoyed with friends or family?

Sometimes I wished I wasn't so nice. "Sure, I'll go Tanner." I finally said while also mentally pinching myself. I just hoped I didn't regret this. I could see a little smile creep on Tanner's face which caused me to smile as well.

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