Chapter 4.5 Part 1 - New Face

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Before this chapter begins, I would like to say that this chapter is just going to be a filler chapter to take a look Tanner's side of the story up to the point where he meets Shade. While part two will be about Felix and his side of the story.

Henceforth this chapter and the next being named 4.5 instead of 5. I highly recommend you to read both chapters 3 and 4 before you read this chapter and the next ,so that it won't affect your vote on who Shade should go with in chapter 5. Since in this chapter, you will see a bit of Tanner's story and his his true personality.

With that out of the way, let's get this chapter rolling!

Tanner's P.O.V.

I took a big deep breath as I stepped outside my house. My phone suddenly started buzzing in my pocket, so I took it out and saw who was calling me. It was one of my football companions Chris.

I sighed at the thought of him. That guy is always asking me to help him with his homework. I don't even know why I help him out. The guy can annoy anybody in under two seconds, and then piss you off entirely in the end.

It took all my will power to bring my phone up to my ear and answer the call. "Hello?" I answered slightly unamused.

"Hey Tanner, buddy, pal! How are ya doing today!?" Chris asked in his usual energetic and hyperactive self.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "What do you want this time Chris?" I asked already knowing what he was about to say.

"What? Can't a guy just call his friend once in a while to see how he is doing?" Chris said as an excuse. I swear that one of these days I won't help him.

"Not you, so I ask once again. What do you want?" I asked once again a little bit more annoyed.

"Ok, you got me figured out. I was wondering if you could help me out on my anatomy homework." Chris said with what seem to be embarrassment in his voice.

"Again?" I asked annoyed. This is the seventh time this month he's asked me to help him with his anatomy homework, and it isn't that hard. I'm guessing he just wants me to do it for him as he always expects me to.

"Please! If my grades go any lower, coach is going to bench me for the rest of the season!" He pleaded.

I sighed in defeat since once you get Chris going, he never stops until he gets what he wants. "Ok, I'll come over at 9 if that's fine with you." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine! I'll see you at 9. Thanks buddy!" At that he hung up.

I sighed once again. Better get to practice before coach gets angry with me... again. I swear that he's trying to kill me. He's always yelling at me whenever I do something wrong or whenever he feels like it.

I started making my way over to the locker room that was next to the football field. I quickly jogged there and headed into the locker room.

When I got in I noticed that the rest of the team was already here. I was relieved to see that the coach was nowhere to be- "You're late, Wright." I quickly tensed up at the voice coming behind me. I already knew he it was just by his deep scratchy voice.

"Hey coach, how's your day going?" I asked turning around, giving him the best fake smile I could conjure up with.

"This is the fifth time this week you've been late." He said, his arms crossed and his face having a displeased look.

"Sorry coach, I haven't been getting enough sleep recently, so I've been getting up late." I said taking a few steps back from him.

Coach sighed and gave me a stern look. He raised his hand and raised one finger. "One chance. I'm giving you one more chance. You end up late again, and you'll be benched for the rest of the season. Got it?!" He growled the last part which made me straighten up.

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