Chapter 9 - Kindling Spirit

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Shade's P.O.V.

For some reason, walking up to Kyle's room was making me a bit nervous. For two reasons that is.

One was because I couldn't get what Ivan said about him out of my mind.  Was Kyle really a bad person and a druggie?

Just looking at him makes me think quite the opposite. He looks like someone who likes to have fun and is completely in shape and healthy.

There's no way he could be a druggie, right?

But, if Ivan warned me about something like this, then he must have a good reason to do so.

Even though we've only known each other for only a few days, he's already accepted me for who I am and is looking out for me. And that's something I really appreciate.

Maybe I should try to do something nice for him, or at least try not to be a burden to him.

He is trying to look out for me, the least I could do is try to not get in trouble.

Albeit, many college kids get in trouble, especially when it comes to frat parties.

Anyways, back to my previous thought.

The other thing that was making me nervous is that we are going to his room, in a frat party, with a bunch of alcohol and possibly drugs. Let that click in for a moment.

I could feel my cheeks starting to burn a little due to the thought, but I quickly shook it away before it did any big effects.

"Shade?" I could hear a faint but loud voice underneath the blarring music coming from downstairs.

I looked up to the source, which was of course, Kyle. "Yeah?" I asked, my ears ringing a little.

Man, why do frat parties have to have such loud music. How can anyone's ears survive something like this?

"We're here." Kyle said gesturing the door that was in front of us as he grabbed the doorknob.

With a flick of the wrist, Kyle turned the doorknob and opened the door, motioning me to go in first.

I was a bit hesitant. Do I really want to go in there? Who knows what's in there or what Kyle is planning on doing to me once I enter his "mancave", and thoughts of what Ivan said came flushing back.

I know that Ivan warned me, but I can't just judge or think of someone badly just because someone may not like them. And by the looks of it, Ivan didn't really seem to fancy, Kyle, at all.

I gazed at Kyle to see if I can see a hint of something in his face that may lead me to believe what Ivan said.

A suspicious smirk. A concerning look. The face of someone who was going to do something bad.

But I was only greeted with a goofy smile from Kyle, which only made me smile in response.

For now, I'm gonna trust him.

With my mind already made up, I made my way inside of his room.

The room was well decorated and there were lights, posters, and multiple things hanging from the walls.

His room was a bit bigger than my dorm, and he had a fairly bigger bed than mine.

I took a sniff, and I could only smell the scent of what seemed to be a candle.

Is that Vanilla or Cinnamon? I can't really tell.

Well, first things first, his room doesn't smell like drugs, so that's a good sign. For now, at least.

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