Chapter 14 - Hidden Side

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Author's Note:

Before the chapter starts, I'd like to apologize for my long break from continuing this story. To be completely honest, I have not been committed or motivated to continue this story. And I felt that if I forced myself to continue updating it, the quality and the story for it would have drastically decreased and I didn't want that. But I think I finally have the motivation to do it. So I'll be experimenting here and there as the story goes on.

So for now on, I'll have a little schedule for myself that I will follow to try and bring more updates to the story. I'm grateful for everybody who is enjoying this story and has been waiting patiently for the new chapter to be made. Just because of that, the next chapter will be brought sooner.

So, enough talk, let's get in to what you've been waiting for.

Shade's P.O.V.

Nervous, anxious, excited, curious. That's all I was feeling right now. Why wouldn't I ? Considering that I'm in Kyle's car. The car of a dude that got me completely wasted on the first party I decided to go, and I completely regret going. The car of the dude that made Ivan go completely overprotective crazy big brother mode on me. The dude that can seem like a big goof one moment and then turn into a serious person the next.

I still don't have a clear depiction as to how Kyle really is. When I first met him, he seemed like one of those frat guys that don't care about their grades and only care about how many parties they throw, how much beer and alcohol he drink, and how many times he can get laid.

But, recently, he's been kind of cool. Especially in the way he stood up for me yesterday against that jerk. Although, he did push me and gave me a pretty tiny headache, but still.

I'd still like to believe that Ivan is wrong about him and that there is something good in him, because even though he's a goof and a dork most of the time, he's very fun to be around.

But out of consideration for Ivan's warnings, it wouldn't hurt to keep my guard up while I'm with him.

I looked over to Kyle, his hands were on the steering wheel, but he was tapping on it with his fingers. I looked at his face and he seemed to be nervous, just as when we departed from the college.

There was this awkward silence ever since we left. It was kind of scaring me a bit. Kyle, being quiet? About 65% of the time, Kyle is talking away nonstop. The other 35% is him doing dumb and goofy stuff.

This quiet side of him was making me a little unsettled. Just the fact that he wasn't saying anything compared to the other times I've hanged out with him were making this situation more awkward than it would have normally been. If he's not gonna start a conversation, then I guess I'll have to do it. "So, you never told me where we are going." I said, turning my face towards him.

That must've caught him off guard since he quickly flinched and slightly jumped from his seat; as if he forgotten that I was sitting right next to him this entire time. He looked over at me with a nervous look. "D-Did ya say something?" He stammered out, his fingers still tapping on the steering wheel.

I slightly tilted my head and looked at him. Seriously, what's up with him? This is totally uncharacteristic for him. "Um, yeah. I asked where are we going? You never told me." I restated, looking at him, trying to catch any signs that might tell me what's up with him.

"O-Oh, right. Well, I was thinking of taking us to this nice restaurant across town. They serve some really good food." He said as he looked back onto the road, his demeanor starting to go back to what it usually is.

Hmm. At least he's going back to his normal self.

"You've been there before?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation alive. Don't need that awkward silence we had not too long ago.

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