Chapter 1: Forgiveness.

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*Author's Note*

I haven't updated this story in AGES. So, I'm updating it.

I've been real busy with BFG and I'm starting to hate this story and all but I have to finish it. For the sake of Scarlet Dai.

Now a rant from Keira Case about Haylor.

Everyone's taking Haylor way too far, they're sending hate to Harry and it's not right. Remember One Direction: A Year In The Making, Harry cried because of hate. The thing is which would hurt him more is getting hate from the people who's supposed to support him. I'm seeing all this shit like 'Remember when you cared about the fans... yeah I do' or 'You've changed, Harry'. I went on omegle today and had a chat with a few directioners... most of it was plain cruel and horrible. Or in Anne's words #disgusting. Most of the time they're like Just because the boy is dating Taylor Swift and got tattoos and doesn't smile as much anymore does not mean he has changed. We don't know him personally, we don't know their relationship. We don't know anything so why do we judge? We hate it when people judge our fandom but we're judging the people we're fans of. So what? Maybe it is a publicity stunt but we can't hate Harry for it. It's not like Harry's going to fall in love with us when he sees us screaming and yelling his name. Let him be happy for godsakes. It's been real long where we directioners have fangirled over Harry Styles' smile, you know that? And if we did it would be over old photos. I'm real sick and tired of these kinds of things happening to the guys. We, as a fandom take things way too far, sometimes it's funny and all but most of the time it's not. Sometimes I think that the guys fake their 'thank you's' to us because we're horrible to them at times. I will leave the fandom, delete my wattpad, tumblr, everything sooner or later because I'm getting real sick of this.

Also, my brother made me run five laps around the football oval. I'm like I can do this.

nek minut.

First lap: dying.

Keira xx

PS: this is going to be a short chapter.

*Scarlet's POV*

I'm home. I'm finally home. I was nervous but I hoped that my parents understood what I did. I announced a national tour for Australia just so I could see my parents. I just needed to see my parents, that's all I wanted at the moment. I ring the doorbell and the pace of heart goes faster. "Scarlet! Oh my gosh, are you okay? You're home!" My mum says in a rush and hugs me tightly. 

"I'm fine mum, really" I say smiling and reassuring her that there was no worry. I missed my mum heaps, I was about to cry being in her arms and all. 

"Awh, honey. Those guys are just douches okay? You don't need a man, you're Miss Independent. Remember?" Mum says and I hug her even tighter.

We let go of the hug and we go inside the house "Thanks, mum. Is Dad in the shed?" I ask and she nods.

"He's been real worried about you" Mum says and guilt takes over my body. I never wanted to do that to my dad. To worry him. I wanted to be strong for him. I promised him that when I reach the music business I'll stay true to myself and now I feel like I've lost myself. I end up at the door of the shed and I knock on it and open it.

"Dad?" I call out to him on the chair, facing the corner. 

"Scarlet?" Dad says turning around and running to me.

"Yes, yes it's me" I say and he embraces me in another hug.

"How are you?" Dad asks me and I smile.

"I'm great, Dad. Never better" I say and he smiles wider.

"So, you ready to get back in the game?" Dad asks me and punches me lightly.

Scarlet's Comeback: One Direction's Support Act (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now