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HA! You didn't expect another part to that chapter did you?

Well you should've... it was only two pages.

I was going to post this part later but you know, my friend started annoying me like hell (I love her though) and so I'm going to post this chapter.


What's your favourite food peeps?

How have you all been?

Are you expecting new stories?

I have quite a few ideas but idk if I'll actually publish them..

And you know that feeling when you ship a friend of yours with a celebrity and then you so badly want them to meet each other because they would be perfect. AND I CAN IMAGINE THEM MEET AND THEN THEIR FIRST DATE AND THEN THEM KISSING...JK. AND THEM GETTING MARRIED.


I'm not weird at. all.

Also I can imagine her introducing me to their super hot friends ;P *cough* band members


Well, now...



Keira xx

PS: The person doesn't know I'm talking about her ;)


*Ed's POV*

Scarlet looked like she belonged here. She fit in really well.

All my friends were very welcoming too. I guess it's because they respected me.

When I was getting gigs and stuff a mate of mine -the guitarist, Matt- introduced me to all these people. Most of them were into hip hop and rap and all of them had some record deal. They were against my music style -which I don't know what it's called till this day- and when I tried getting help to release my music, it got harder. So I knew, if I had to get my music out there, I had to adjust. I started listening to these people's mixtapes and before I knew it I gathered their talents. Beatboxing, rap, you name it, I would've come across it. I put all their talents into my work and before you know it, I was actually getting my music out there and random people were actually finding it.

It wasn't until a year or so until I got my first record deal and my first album to No' 1 in the UK.

Now, watching Scarlet I feel like she could benefit from everyone here too.

It might not be in the same way but I'm sure they could help her.

"So, Scarlet. What brings you here, meeting us?" Deliah asks her, handing her a cup of coffee.

"I needed an escape" Scarlet replies. Scarlet looked shy, her eyes gazing onto the guitar.

"We've heard about your tough times, if you're still the same fighter, you'll hang in there" Matt replies.

"Thanks, I guess I've never been too good with pressure" Scarlet replies. Suddenly everything clicked. Harry and Niall are pressuring her to choose. If they just let her take her time. Nothing would go wrong. Yes, I admit this is a little bit slow. And Liam isn't making this any better by getting another composer. It's pressuring her even more.

"You need to treat pressure like your friend, not your enemy" Clint says to Scarlet. Clint has always been the quiet one who'd always give the best advice.

Scarlet's Comeback: One Direction's Support Act (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now