Chapter 2: Another Hello

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*Interview with Sunrise*

*Scarlet's POV*

S for Scarlet

M for Mel

K for Kochie

M: So, Scarlet. You're back from rehab, you have released a new single, you'll finish your national tour in two days, it seems you're getting back to business very quickly. You miss your job?

S: Yeah, I do. I've forgotten the feeling of being on stage a lot.

I've also forgotten to show emotion.

K: A lot of people are saying that this all happened because of Niall? Is that true?

S: No. No, not at all. I'm stronger than that. I know Niall's happy so I'd be happy too. All of this wouldn't be just over a boy. A lot of this is personal.

M: A lot of people have been "decoding" your last song, they say it's what happened with you and Niall when you broke up and how it took a toll on you, is that true?

S: No, Niall and I would never take it that far. It's kind of a story about how I kinda hurt myself.

K: Of course, I guess all of this superstar life hurts. Why do you think it hurts so much?

S: It hurts because. It hurts because everyone makes us seem like we're kings and queens but we're not. We have so much pressure to be perfect to everyone. It's so hard though because everyone's view on perfect is different. Someone says, a good body makes a person perfect, someone else says, a good personality makes a person perfect. It is so hard to be perfect if everyone's definition of perfect is different.

K: I heard Ne-Yo came to Australia to see you. Have you seen him yet?

S: WHAT!? No, I haven't. He didn't tell me. Oh my god, I need to see him.

M: So, your new single "Fade Away" is that meant for someone?

S: No, not really.

Yes, really. It's meant for... him.

M: Well, Sunrise wishes you the best for the future. You're in Australia's hearts.

S: Aw, thank you. I'll be back and I'll perform at Sunrise again.

*Ne-Yo's POV*

"Ne-Yo!" Scarlet screams, running up to me smiling. Thank God she's alright.

"SCARLET!" I scream and she hugs me tightly like she hasn't seen me before. It was like the first time I met her. Scarlet asked me for a hug when I saw her performing at R&B Supafest and met her backstage. She was happy and bubbly but tired. The way I saw Scarlet give her performance her all, I knew right then and there that she was a star. So I asked her for a coffee the next day and we talked about all things music. She had the knowledge, she had the talent, she was humble, I knew that I had to give her a push into the industry.

"How are you, gorgeous? You're making quite the comeback already. You sure you should be moving this fast?" I say.

"If I moved any slower I'd never move at all" Scarlet says to me, smiling like there's no tomorrow.

"Well, we should go. You have more performances to get to, don't you?" I say and Scarlet nods.

"Let's go!" Scarlet says, grabbing my hand and pulling me.

*Scarlet's POV*

"Next stop, Bondi Beach. Secret Gig" I say and the driver starts driving. Ne-Yo and I were in a limosine and I was awkwardly changing into a different set of clothes. I got a a white frilly tube top, high waist shorts and brown heels. (A/N: Check Polyvore for Scarlet's Outfits)

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