Chapter 14: Scared

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This chapter has a lot of backstory so I hope you enjoy learning a little more about Scarlet. (I just said that to warn you)

Keira xx


*Ne-Yo's POV*

"How's Scarlet?" Beyoncé asks me.

"I don't know" I reply. I've been worrying about her all day. She's like family. No one would realize it but I care about her like she was my daughter. I feel like everything's getting out of hand. I just can't pull her out of the album. It would make more of a mess with the media.

"Talk to her" Frank says.

"You're not focusing" Frank mentions.

"She's a lovely girl from what I saw last night" Frank says and I pick up the phone.

*Frank's POV*

I watch as Ne-Yo calls Scarlet nervously. I felt so sorry for her, she didn't deserve any of this. She's been treated like badly, person after person. She can't run away and to be honest, I understand why she went to rehab and how she got attached to sleeping pills. If I lived a life like hers I would want to sleep forever as well.

Ne-Yo sighs and he waits, taking a deep breath.

"I'm not too sure with this" Ne-Yo says but Beyoncé sits next to him and they finally dial the number.

*Scarlet's POV*

"Come on, Scarlet" Lucas says, pushing me against the wall. We've been fighting for a while... a few months. He was pinning me to the wall and I was scared.

"No. Lucas. You can't control my life. I want to perform. Can't you see that music makes me happy?" I say sternly. Lucas lets go of me and walks in front of the kitchen counter. I was scared, his fists were clenched.

"NO. YOU'RE NOT FUCKING GOING OKAY!" Lucas says and smashes a bowl to the ground.

"Clean that up. now" Lucas says and is about to walk away.

"NO. You've been cheating on me and don't act like you haven't. I've seen the underwear underneath the bed. You're too lazy to even hide it. The best thing you could is let me be happy somehow. You know what. I can do better than you. That's why you lock me up here. You can't force me to do things. I will go" I say and he looks at me.

"What did you say?" Lucas says, calm but threating.

"You heard me loud and clear" I sai-

I feel a hard shock into my stomach and I realize I am now on the floor.

That was this first time I was abused.


"Scarlet.. you haven't eaten" Louis mentions and I nod. I don't know. I wasn't the same. I was holding onto myself. I was scared. I don't know why. I've been lazy all morning, focusing on my breathing. Knowing that all of this 'anxiety' stuff is happening to me, I'm scared of when I'm going to freak out and lose my functioning. I don't want to go out.

"Scarlet, are you okay?" Louis asks me. I give him a fake smile and a nod. I thought Louis would've seen through that but he didn't. He just walks away. It scared me. I knew I'm a good liar but Louis could always see through that.

"bring brrrinngg"

*Phone Call w/ Ne-Yo*

N for Ne-Yo

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