Prolouge: Rehab.

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Well, I'm not even going to bother to write author's notes in the story cause it's really depressing.

There's one album which is I think is Scarlet's anthem album: Good Girl Gone Bad by Rhianna.

I promise you guys, Scarlet is still her same self. Just has a few personality and trust tweaks.

Keira xx

for your information, this chapter is going to be short. It's just going to explain everyone after seven months.


*Harry's POV*

I see a small, petite frame standing out from the darkness. I walk closer to the frame and I see the familiar brown hair of Scarlet. It was too good to be her. "Scarlet?" I call out but the body doesn't reply.

I run to the girl and I walk in front of the girl. It was Scarlet. Her intense brown eyes. Her beautiful rosy lips. Her eyes stood out so much, they were still so intent, she was looking at me, I think. I walk closer to her and she doesn't move, I wanted to feel her lips. her. I've missed Scarlet and I needed her to be with me again. 

I don't know how long I've been in the same spot staring at her. It's been ages since I've seen her and she hasn't changed. Not one bit. "Scar? It's me, Harry" I say and her smile grows wide. I was about to run to her arms but then she moves and runs past me.

My heart drops and I can feel every piece shattering to an oblivion. Scarlet was running to someone though, I needed to know who. "Scarlet!" I yell, hoping she'd hear me. I ran to where Scarlet was running and all of a sudden, I was in a room. A hotel room. I see Louis, he was on the other side of the room, the side Scarlet was running to.

I thought they we're going for a hug. Instead they we're in some heated kiss. They kept on kissing and I tried yelling out again "SCARLET! PLEASE!" she didn't react. It's like I was invisble. I didn't know what was happening. Scarlet and Louis were on the bed now and I've fallen to the ground.

"Scarlet, you know how much I love you. Scarlet. Please, don't go to him" I say but they continue kissing. The way my best friend loved Scarlet, it killed me. I loved her so much. They suddenly break off the kiss, Scarlet smiling like the first time I kissed her.

"You're the best, Lou" Scarlet says and Louis smiles, brushing some hair out of her face.

"I seriously don't know how I got so lucky, Harry hurt me, Niall hurt me, I thought you would do the same, you didn't and you've fully convinced me that you're the best" Scarlet says and I start to cry. I didn't mean to send her to rehab. I didn't mean to take it far that night. I didn't mean to throw her away. I didn't mean anything. 

"I've missed you so much, Scarlet. Did rehab treat you well?" Louis says, kissing her forehead and holding her close. Louis closed his eyes and inhaled. I couldn't watch this anymore yet I wanted to watch it. I wanted to see Scarlet. I've missed her so much. I don't even know how I've made it this far without her. I've missed her everything, no denying there.

"It was fine, Lou. You got me through it all" Scarlet says and they kiss again.

I watched every movement, they kissed and I could see a tear fall from Scarlet's eyes. The way their mouths moved, I wanted to be Louis right now. I couldn't watch. Yet I wanted to watch. They break off and their breaths were a bit heavily.

"SCARLET. I LOVE YOU! I STILL DO! REMEMBER ME" I shout hoping they'd hear my cries and pleas of help.

"I love you, Scarlet. More than a friend" Louis says and Scarlet replies "I love you so much more than you ever will, boobear" light chuckles leaves their mouths and then silence fills the room.

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