Chapter 17

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I wait another twenty or so minutes, to make sure he isn't coming back, before getting up. I scan the room, looking for my t shirt, noticing that there was no suitcase, or clothes, or anything indicating someone was occupying the room. The only thing here was his black jacket lying on the floor. He knew what he wanted, and I was stupid for thinking otherwise

I grab my shirt after finally finding it next to the couch, and quickly pull it on. It's wrinkled, and damp from sweat, but I couldn't care less right now. I'm about to turn away, but I pick up the jacket as well. It's cold outside, and I don't have money to get a taxi or bus, and I don't have my phone to call the others. I'm going to have to walk.

I limp to the door, my entire lower body hurting, and it takes me a few minutes to regain posture, enough to open it. My face feels puffy, and it stings. I lick my lips and it comes back with the taste of metal, and I can already imagine what my face looks like.

I pull up the hoodie of the jacket as I'm leaving the hotel, making sure not to draw any attention to my face. The sleeves are hanging off of me, but they feel comfortable. I look down to examine it,'s my jacket. Chris wore my jacket. The one I gave to him when we first started going out because it was cold, and raining, and he had forgotten his. My heart swells at the thought that he kept it for such a long time. But I also know that the entire thing is hanging off of my thin body when it use to fit me perfectly.

I let out a heavy sigh that's washed away along with the rain starting to fall. I stuff my hands into the pockets as I start the way back to where I think the venue is. It only took us a few minutes to get here, so it shouldn't be too far away.

It's sad how use to this I've gotten that I can just stand up and go along with my life as if I didn't just get punched by my "boyfriend", and...raped. I've gotten good at blocking out the emotions that just get in the way. But as much as I want to forget what just happened, I still let the tears fall. Maybe it's because I thought that maybe he did miss me, maybe he did want to fix things between us, or maybe it's because I let him make me think that, let him make me forget that I had a good relationship with another man, one who doesn't hurt me, and loves me.

The rains beating down hard now, and it's getting hard to walk through it. Bus call will be soon, so I pick up my pace, even though it's torture on my body.

Suddenly, I'm knocked forward, head hitting the cold, wet ground.

"What the fu-"

Someone kicks me in the face.

"You're that little fag boy, right?"

The person pulls me up by my t shirt, and it's hard trying to get a good look at him, but I can just make out his face. It's the taxi driver, the one who took Chris and I to the hotel, the one who saw us, two boys, kissing in the back seat of his car. God, how were we so stupid?

He spits in my face before dropping me. He kicks me in the ribs repeatedly, making me cry out in pain, but there's no one around because of the heavy rain. I try pushing myself up but my hand just slips on the wet pavement.

"Don't you dare fucking move!", he says, kicking me in the face.

He doesn't stop until I'm coughing up blood, and my white t shirt is completely soaked, and red.

"Go burn in hell.", he says before kicking me one last time in the face, and running off.

I let out strangled breaths. My head is against the cold ground, and all I can see is rain and blood. Well actually, I can't even tell the difference between them. I would just lay here forever, but my skin is starting to go numb from the wind and rain. I slowly try to stand up, and thankfully, I don't fall over, but I'm not exactly standing up straight either. I pull the hoodie up and wrap the wet jacket around tighter, and try to move as quickly as possible, even though it's not very possible at all.


Austin's POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I know I shouldn't have yelled at him, but I was frustrated, and I didn't really expect him to just run off like that. I've yelled at him before, but of course, the situation is different now.

Bus call is in an hour and there was still no sign of him. And of fucking course he left his phone here.

"Austin, where's Alan? We've been trying to call him. We saw this -"

"He ran off, and he left his phone here, and I don't know where he is.", I say to Phil and Tino, who just came back from grabbing dinner.

I skipped because I was too worried freaking out over Alan.

"Why'd he run off?"

I shake my head, "I don't know. I yelled at him, and I thought he was ok, but someone said he knew him and he went of with them but that was like, three hour ago, and he's not back yet.", and I'm rambling, but I can't stop myself.

It's not like him to just leave without telling anyone, especially for so long when he knows what time bus call is, and if he's hurt somewhere, alone, I don't know what I would do.

Suddenly, the door slams open and Aaron bursts inside, but that doesn't interest me, what catches my eye is the boy he has his arms around, trying to hold up, the boy with red hair, and a huge bruise on his face.

"Alan, oh my god!", I say running over to him.

I grab his face in my hands, and he winces. I quickly drop them, and let them fall around his waist, but he flinches even more. I pull back, examining the bruise.

He got beat up.

"Who?", I say, anger boiling through me.

He looks down, tears in his eyes, and shakes his head.

"Alan, please.", I say, softening my eyes.

He turns back around to look at me, and all of a sudden, he's pressed against me, crying into my chest. His entire body shakes, and all I can do is hold him. His entire body is shaking, and he's going to fall over any minute, so I sit down right there, and pull him into my lap. His arms go around my neck, and I can feel the rain water from his shirt seeping into mine. I kiss his damp hair, and rub his back gently.

"Hey, shh. It's okay, I'm here. I love you."

Hey guys! Sorry, this is actually a really shitty chapter but I hope you liked it anyways.

Thanks for votes, and comments!

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