Chapter 6

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Austin's been staring out the window, and hasn't said anything since I told him about Chris. I'm starting to get worried. He's probably mad at me for not telling him earlier.
I look over, expecting to see his back, but instead, he's looking right at me. I jump, a little startled.
"Alan, you have to tell the police."
My eyes widen, "No. No! I can't. Please, you don't understand. I've tried before, but, but they don't care. He knows people, okay? When I go back, he's just going to treat me worse."
"Go back? You're not going back there. I'm not letting him anywhere near you, much less in the same house as you. When the tours over, you're staying with me."
I wince a little at the harsh tone he's using, and he notices, immediately softening his voice.
"Sorry Alan. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. It's not your fault, I just can't stand seeing you like this, and know that he did it."
There's a hint of jealousy in his tone, but I ignore it. He doesn't like me. Alan, get over yourself.
"Do you have any bruises you can show me?"
I sigh, and slowly nod my head. I take off my jacket, and already you can see the bruises and marks he's left behind. A small gasp comes from Austin. Trust me, these aren't even the worse.
"You mean there's more?"
I nod.
"Oh my god Alan. I should have noticed sooner."
I shake my head, "This isn't your fault Austin. Please, don't blame yourself. Can we just forget about it for now?"
"How can I forget about the fact that the boy I'm in love with is being beaten to death!"
His hands clasp over his mouth as soon as he says that. I can feel my cheeks turning bright pink, and he quickly turns around.
"Austin, I need to te-"
He stands up, "I'm gonna go use the restroom."
He struggles a little to get past me, but he soon stalks off towards the back.
Even though Austin was avoiding me, he said that he loved me! That means we have a chance. I let myself smile a little at the thought of that.
I'm covered in bruises and yet I'm still smiling. I'm so fucked up sometimes.

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