Chapter 11

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Austin's POV

I look at my phone, hoping for a text from Alan, but there's nothing. He didn't come back last night, and it's already ten in the morning.

God, I was such a fucking idiot for not saying anything. Of course I wanted to be with him. It was something new to me, but I'd do anything for Alan, and I fucked up last night.

I hear the bus door opening, and his laugh, and I suddenly sit up, hitting my head against the bunk wall.

"Fuck.", I mutter out as I climb out of the bunk.


He looks at me, and I smile, but the smile soon falls when I see who's next to him. The guy from yesterday was standing next him, and he's wearing Alan's t shirt. I feel my heart crack a little.

Tino walks out, still in his boxers, and hair messed up from just waking up.

"Who's this?"

"His names Oliver.", Alan says, smiling.

And it was a genuine smile, one that I haven't seen since he was with Chris. And I feel my heart crumbling.

"Call me Oli though.", he says.

"I'm Tino."

"Can I talk to you really quickly, Alan?"

He looks at Oli, and he smiles at the ginger boy, and nudges his shoulder. He sighs, but follows me out of the bus.

"Who's that?"

"I told you, Oli."

"Look, if you're bringing guys around to make me jealous, I get it ok? Look, I'm sorry about last night. I-"

"This isn't about you Austin. For the first time, it's about me, and my feelings , and I finally found someone who cares about them."

"You just met him yesterday!"

"And I already like him! Guess that's a sign."

"Alan, cmon. You're just going to throw away everything we have?"

"No, because you already did that, last night when you chose your petty 'dignity' over me. I get it, you're afraid that people are going to judge you for liking a guy. It's definitely not the first time that's happened. But Oli doesn't care, he likes me, and he's ok with that, and so am I. Whatever's between us, it's over, if there even was a thing to begin with.", he says, turning around, and getting back into the bus.

I can feel my heart breaking now.

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