Chapter 2

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I clutch my stomach in pain as I stuff my clothes into a duffel bag. Of course Chris wasn't too happy about the news of my sudden departure. He held me down on the bed, and we had sex. Well, it was really just him.

He's done this so many time, it's become routine. I just close my eyes and pretend that it's not happening, or that the person doing it was someone who actually loved me, but that thought would soon disappear when it would start to actually hurt.

I feel my body start to shake, and I quickly finish packing. Austin would be here any minute. I smile, and feel just a little bit better.

I stuff the rest of my belongings, which wasn't much, into a back pack. All I had was a charger, my phone, some books, and that was about it. I told Austin to hold onto my stuff because I knew Chris would just take it if he saw them.

Someone's hand lands on my shoulder. I slap it away, and stumble onto the bed. Fuck. It was Chris. He glares at me, but doesn't say anything.

"Call me when you're leaving for the airport next week, I want to see you off, ok?"

I slowly nod and return to finishing packing, pretending like nothing happened. He grabs my arm, and turns me around harshly, making my arm throb in pain.

"I asked you a question."

"Yes! Yes, I'll call you. Chris you're hurting my arm. Please."

He slaps me across the face, "Don't talk to me like that."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!", I whimper out.

He pulls me up by the collar, "If you tell anyone, Alan..."

He spits in my face, pushes me back onto the bed, and walks out of the room.

I pull up my sleeve and wipe off the spit and tears that had welled up in my eyes. A buzzing noise on the bed makes me jump. I frantically pick it up and press answer.


"...Yeah? Are you ok? You sound nervous."

"I'm fine, I'll be right down."

I hang up the phone and grab my bags. Chris follows behind me, carrying my duffle bag.

"Hey Alan!", Austin says when I finally see him in the parking lot.

He looks just as perfect as the last time I saw him. He was wearing his favorite slip knot shirt that I bought him, and his hair was spiked up. I smile, a genuine smile, and wave.

"Hey Drew!", he says, waving at Chris.

"Carlile.", Chris replies, a little more venom in his words.

Austin doesn't notice though.

He opens the trunk, and grabs the bag from Chris, putting it inside the car. He closes the trunk, and shakes hands with Chris. My foot taps anxiously on the ground, and I just want to get out of here, and see the boys again.

"Well we better get going, the others wanted to see you. Aaron's at Tino's house, and we're heading over there now."

I hesitantly hug Chris, and his grip is a little tighter then it should be, but I ignore it, and I'm sure Austin does too.

"Remember what I said.", he whispers into my ear after Austin gets into the car.

We finally let go, and I couldn't get into the car faster. I feel my heart race slowing down as we pull out of the garage, and his figure slowly disappears.

When his body disappears completely, that's when I completely break down. Two months of torture was finally over. I start to cry, trying to hide it so Austin doesn't suspect anything, but it soon turns to full on sobbing.

"Alan? What's wrong?!"

I don't respond, I just keep crying. He pulls over, and gets out of the car, running over to my side. He opens the door, and gets inside, and we shift around until I'm sitting on him, him cradling me.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. Tell me what's wrong.", he says, patting my head.

I just shake my head. I clutch onto his shirt and I want to tell him so badly, but I know I can't.

He wraps his strong, but warm arms around me, and this is what loving arms are suppose to feel like.

"Alan, tell me what's wrong."

"I-I can't, I'm sorry, please, please don't hurt me."

Chris always hits me when I didn't answer to him. Whenever he says my name like that, I knew I was in trouble.

"Hey, I won't hurt you. It's ok, everything's ok, I'm here."

"I missed you Austin.", I say, pushing my entire body against his.

"I missed you too, but we're here together now, aren't we? Everything's going to be ok. Ok?"

I nod, and wipe the tears off of my face. Everything's going to be okay. I'm with Austin now, he won't hurt me.

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