Chapter 10

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We have two shows here before we start off on the tour, and we just finished our first one. We wave and run off the stage, fist bumping, and high fiving the crew, and techs.

"Here.", Austin says, holding out his water bottle.

I blush, not sure why, and I reach out, our fingers brushing against each other, and I blush even harder. He doesn't seem to notice though because he soon turns around, and walks away.

We haven't talked much since the hand holding yesterday. In fact, this was only the second time he's said anything to me, and the first was when he said good night last night.

I sigh, and start walking to the bus, wiping the sweat off of my face with the collar of my t shirt.

"Where's Austin?", Tino asks as I near the bus.

"Ugh, I thought he was here."

I look around, but no ones in sight except for the other bands techs.

"I'll go look for him.", I say.

I walk out of the parking lot, and luckily, there's no fans crowding around like there usually is. It's probably because they're still watching the other band.

I walk down the street for a few minutes and find nothing. As I hit the end, I'm about to turn around, but I hear shuffling, and I look around the dark corner, and sure enough, there's the guy sitting on the floor, back against the wall.

I walk closer, and sit down next to him.

"Are you ok?"

He sighs, "Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"It''s just weird."

"What is?"

" feelings? It's...I've never really liked a guy before you. It's a little confusing."

"You said you liked me for a while though."

"Yeah, but I thought it was only one sided, and it's not like we were ever intimate until yesterday."

"So you're saying this intimidates you...being gay?"

"I'm definitely not use to it."

I feel anger bubbling inside of me, and I stand up.

"So you're just going to keep doing this to me? Ignoring me, pretending like there's nothing between us until you are? That's not fair to me, Austin! I can't be your little rag doll to throw and play around with. I've gone through enough shit, I'm still going through a lot of shit, and I don't need you to deal with too. It's either you want me or you don't.", I yell.

He stares at me, and stays silent.

"Well you've made your choice.", I say, my voice cracking a little at the end.

I turn around just as my eyes start to water. I hear him standing up and I slow down my pace just a little, giving him a chance but he doesn't say anything, or run after me, and I turn the corner. And the tears start to run.


"Give me another one.", I say to the guy.

He gives me a questioning look, but turns around to grab me another beer anyways. Actually, it's my fifth one tonight, and I'm definitely feeling it.

He hands me the bottle, and I gulp it down. The burns gone, and it's just like drinking water now. If only the pain would do that too, but it's only a little duller.

My phone buzzes and I take it out of my pocket. Twelve calls from the guys and I haven't picked up one.

As I'm about to stuff it back into my pocket, I see the guys name. I tap on the call button, and soon, I'm hearing his voice on the other end.

"Hey.", I say, although I'm sure it comes out a little slurred.

"Who's this?"

"Alan, the guy from yesterday."

"Ha. Right, I never got your name."

"Yeah, I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out?"


I feel his lips trailing down my stomach, and I shutter. He connects his lips back to mine, and slips his hands into my unbuttoned jeans, touching me. I let out a deep sigh, and kiss him harder.

He takes his hands back out, and pull me up the stairs, and into his room. We fall onto the bed, and in a matter of seconds, our clothes are off, and I'm on top of him.


I open my eyes, and the sun hits me in the eye. My throats burning, and it feels like someone's hitting me on the head with a hammer.

I push myself up, the sheets falling slightly off of my bare body. The events of last night flood my aching head, and I start to cry.

"Alan? Are you ok?", a ruff voice comes from beside me.

"Yeah, sorry, didn't mean to wake you up."

The bed shifts, and I feel his hand on my shoulder, "You can tell me what's wrong."

"You'll probably get mad."

He chuckles, "Tell me anyways. If I get mad, it's my own fault."

I wipe the tears off of my face and take in a deep breathe.

"There's this guy...and -"

"That's why you were drunk last night...right?"

I nod.

"What did he do?"

"Well, he said he liked me, and I like him too, but it makes him uncomfortable, being intimate with another guy. I told him that if he wanted me, he'd have to tell me now, because I can't wait hopelessly forever, and he didn't say anything."

He pulls me into him, and wraps his arms around me.

"You're not mad? I mean, I called you for pitty sex."

"You were drunk, and a little unstable, and I still had sex with you. That was kinda douche bag move."

I smile, and wrap my arms around him too.

"I liked it though.", I say.

"So you're going to leave now?", he asks as I pull away.

I bite my lip and look at the clock. It was only six, and my head was killing me still.

"I could a stay a little longer if I'm still welcomed?"

He smiles, and pulls me back under the sheets, and we fall asleep like that, our chest and arms around each other.

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