Chapter 7

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I hear the cracking in my back and neck as I stretch. Am I dead? Did a brake a bone?

Austin shifts awkwardly towards Aaron, trying to keep his distance from me. I sigh a little. After coming back from the restroom, he put on headphones and fell asleep, without uttering one word to me. I know he's embarrassed, but it's starting to annoy me.

I walk over, and tug on his jacket sleeve.

"Austin, can we talk?"

"Uh, not now Alan. We're waiting for our -"

"I'm sure the guys will tell us if they see our bags."

He sighs, but finally nods, and we walk over to the side, away from the other. He fidgets uncomfortable, and I don't know why he's so nervous. Does he think I'm going to 'unfriend' him? Even if I didn't like him back, we were best friends, and band mates. We'd have to deal with each other anyways.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

He sighs, "Because Alan, I don't want to ruin our friendship anymore then I already have."

He coughs, looking like he's about to break down, "I-I'll understand if you want to leave, but please don't tell the guys why. They'll hate me, and I can't have them hating me on top of you."

I stroke his cheek. It's time for me to do the comforting.

"Austin, if you would've just listened to me on the plane, you would know that...that...I like you to.", I said shyly.

He stares at me, as if in astonishment, and slowly, but surely, the corner of his lips turn up. He covers my hand with his, and bring them to his moth, kissing the back gently.

I look around and see that the guys are all huddled around Tino, laughing at something on his phone, oblivious to what's happening between us.

I nod towards them, and Austin nods. I don't want to tell them yet. One, because I don't want them to freak out, and two, because I'm not sure what's going on between Austin, and I. Are we dating? Friends with benefits, all though we haven't had sex yet...

I don't know, but Austin and I are sharing a room at the hotel later tonight, and we'll have plenty of time to talk then...

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