Chapter 12

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He kisses me on the cheek, and ruffles my hair, a giant smile on both of our faces, but our eyes are stills watery.

"Hey, this was the best three days of my life, Alan."

"I'll call you at our next stop, and you can come over for the one after that."

He nods, and leans in to kiss me on the forehead one more time before he finally turns away and walks back to his car.

Oli and I got extremely close in these last two days. He told me things he would never tell a guy he's only known for a few hours, and I've told him things I wouldn't tell anyone in a life time.

Even though he gave me a kiss as a goodbye, we decided to just leave it as friends. None of the whole, 'I'll wait for you' bull shit because we weren't made for anything but just friends. Austin was still the only one I wanted to be with, and he told me about this guy he's had a crush on for a while.

I sigh, and get on the bus, walking automatically to my bunk, which was on top of Austin's. I pause briefly before climbing in because I knew Austin was in there. The curtains were drawn, and he was probably facing the wall, being upset over Oli and I.

I chuckle a little at the thought because Oli and I were never serious. It was just for a little fun, and I needed it.

I debated opening the curtains, and crawling in with him right then and there, but I decided not to. I know Austin loves me. Judging on the way he reacted, I definitely knew, and I also knew that he was scared. Being gay was knew for him, and I was being a little harsh, but it's too late right now. I'll talk to him tomorrow.


I wake up, drowning in my own sweat. I'm breathing heavy, and I just had another nightmare of him. I feel tears falling down my cheeks, and I'm suffocating, so I pull open the curtains, and climb out.

I pull open his curtains and crawl into bed with him instead of going to the bathroom, like I had planned to.

His eyes are closed, but he's shifting against my body, and his arms come around my waist. Breathe in his scent, and my body relaxes a little.

"Are you crying?"

He can probably feel the tears since my face was pressed against his chest, and he wasn't wearing a shirt.

I nod, and he kisses the top of my head, stroking my leg at the same time. I lay my arms around his neck and pull myself closer into him.

"Did you have a night mare?", he whispers into my ear.

I nod.

"Was it about him...Chris?", he asks, hot air tickling my neck.

I nod, and the tears come on stronger.

"I'm here. You're not alone anymore."

I feel my breath evening, and the tears come to a stop. We lay there in silence, and for a while, I think he's asleep.

"I'm sorry Alan. Please believe me. I was just scared. I'm not anymore, well i am, just a little, but not because I'm scared of liking a guy. I was just scared of us not working out because I would be completely ruined. I don't think I can live without you, and that was definitely proven right when I saw you with that guy Oli."

"He wasn't anything to me. I promise Austin."

"I know, I know, other wise you wouldn't be here right now, but I just needed you to know. I want to be with you Alan. I love you."

I kiss him on the lips, and hug him tighter.

"I know."

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