Chapter 9

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I stuff my hands into my pockets, and starting walking in some direction. It was already dark, the street lights the only thing keeping us lit.

This was my favorite time. During the day, you're expected to smile and be friendly to people you make eye contact with while walking by, but now...everyone's in their own little world. We're all in a hurry to get somewhere before it gets too late but in my case, I was trying to get away from that somewhere.

I feel my heart growing fast as the the thought of Austin filled up inside me again. God I wanted to punch him in the face for being such an asshole. The things he said was way out of line, and I was angry, still am, but I'm most upset about the fact that he's shut down the idea of us together before we've even tried anything.

It is a little unfair for me to be going to him now when he's been waiting for so long, but who said life was fair. I had a boyfriend, and Austin never said anything to me. He never even dropped hints, not even when Chris and I were barely official. If he would have said something, even just slightly pointed towards it, I would've left Chris in an instant. I love Austin so much, and no boy in this earth could change my feelings for him.

I sit down on a bench, letting out a deep sigh. Why did everything have to get so complicated? So messed up? What would my life be like now if Austin would've asked me out before Chris, and I didn't have to go through all that torture? It would have definitely saved a lot of misery...and bruises.

My phone rings and I take it out. There's a text from Aaron, and he says Austin's been out for an hour looking for me. I look at the time and see that I've been walking for two, almost three hours now. I quickly jump up and head in the direction I came from.

I was so lost in my own thoughts, I didn't realize I was out for this long. The sun was completely out of the sky now, and the wind was picking up, and so did my pace. Soon, I was running through the streets. Someone walks out from a corner, and I run straight into him, knocking us both over.

"Wow, you're obviously in a rush.", he says, pushing himself up.

He reaches out a hand, and I grab it, blushing as he pulls me up.

"Not really, it's just really fucking cold out here."

He chuckles, "Yeah."

We just stand there in silence, and I size him up. He's wearing a black coat with skinny jeans, and a pair of doc martins. I look at his face, and if I do say so myself, he's pretty good looking, with perfectly structured cheekbones too.

He clears his throat, "Hey, you know, since you're not in a hurry, and like you said it's very cold outside...would you perhaps want to go get some hot chocolate? I know this amazing place."

Was this him asking me out on a date? Whoever he is, he has a very good gaydar. I would love to get hot chocolate with him, but strangers throw me off a little, even if his slight accent felt very welcoming.

"Well -"


I look to the direction of where the sound came from, and if I couldn't tell by his ruff voice, I could definitely tell by his long legs that it was Austin running towards me. He engulfs me in a hug, and I stumble back a little.

"God Alan, I'm so sorry. What I said, it was completely out of line, and I was being an ass. Please, I'm so sorry.", he says, his grip not getting any looser.

I smile, and hug him back, and his body automatically relaxes against them.

"God, you were gone for two hours! I was so worried that something happened."

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was gone for so long."

I hear shuffling, and I suddenly remember the guy I was almost about to ditch Austin for. He shifts awkwardly, not sure what he's supposed to do.

"Oh, um sorry, I ugh...", I mutter out, not exactly sure of what to say.

"Look it's fine. Don't worry about it. I kinda had to go somewhere anyways."

I feel guilt pulsing through my veins, "Hey, least give me your number?"

He considers it for a moment before taking my phone I had held towards him, and typing in his digits.


"Short for Oliver.", he says with a small smile.

He walks away, and soon, he's turning a corner, and he's out of my sight.

"Who's that?", Austin asks.

"No one important.", I say, stuffing my phone back into my pocket.

"C'mon, let's go back. I'm sure the guys are worried.", Austin says.

He stops for a moment before me, but he slowly reaches out, and our fingers intertwine. He smiles, and so do I, and we start our way back to the hotel.

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