Chapter 4

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My fingers drum against the handle of my suitcase. We're waiting for boarding time, which isn't for another hour. We just got through security check, and Chris would be here any minute. My heart beat picks up, and I feel like throwing up.

Phil taps on my shoulder, and I turn around, meeting his eyes. "Hi, Chris.", I say quietly.

"Hey.", he says, hugging me a little too tight.

When he lets go, my eyes scan across the area, looking for Austin, but Chris soon drags me towards another direction.

"I'm gonna borrow him for a minute.", he says to the guys.

"W-where are we goi-"

"Just shut up and follow me."

He pulls me into a single, family bathroom, and locks the door. He pushes me against the wall and starts kissing me.

"No. Please, Chris.", I say, trying to push him away.

He pulls back and slaps me in the face, "I said shut up."

He pulls down my jeans, and we're having sex right then and there. In a fucking bathroom at an airport. He doesn't wait, and soon pushes in, earning a big cry of pain from me. He just slaps me again, and covers my mouth with his palm.

I close my eyes, trying to zone out, but the moaning and sighing coming from his mouth makes me want to throw up.

I can feel his body almost coming because his grip around my wrist tightens, earning another cry from me. Tears are falling down my face from the pure pain coming from all of this. I can feel him come inside of me, and his body soon relaxes. He drops the strong hold of me.

"I love you, Alan.", he whispers into my ears, making me cringe.

I stay quiet, which was my mistake because I'm on the ground from the punch I earned from the silence. He kneels down and slaps me again, "You know I do this because I love you, right?"

I nod slowly.

"Good.", he says.

He stands up, and without looking back, walks out of the restroom. I push myself off of the ground and pull my pants up, but I'm soon back on the floor again when I'm over the toilet, throwing up everything that was left of me.

I look in the mirror, and my hairs messy, my clothes wrinkled, and my lips bleeding from the punch. I put some water on my hands to straighten my hair, and I pat down my shirt. There's nothing I can do about the busted up lip though.

I walk out of the restroom, and right into Austin.

"Oh hey Alan, the guys said they saw you walking over here."

I don't say anything.

"What happened to your face?"

"I, ugh, walked into the wall."

That was so stupid. I couldn't get a busted lip from walking into the wall. Great job Alan.

"Oh, well that does sound like you. Anyways, let's go, they're about to start boarding."

He puts an arm around my shoulder, and I know it's only a friendly gesture, but that's all that I need. I push into him as other people walk by, because he's the only one that I have left that might still possible love and protect me.

Hey guys! This was a short and crappy chapter but i hope you guys liked it. Thanks!

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