Jeffmads: On Top Of The World ❤️

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"Here! I'll gib you my shovwel, Jimmy!" A young, toddler Thomas Jefferson giggled, handing the sniffling James his shovel to use to fix up the sand castle he had sneezed on. Baby James stood up, waddling over to Thomas and hugging him with a sense of thankfulness. "Thankth, Tommy!" James replied, pulling away and plopping down into the sandbox the two played with. Thomas' mother came over, kneeling beside James and rubbing his head. "Did you make a friend, Tommy?"

"Yeah! His name is.. Uh.. J-Jaym!" Thomas stuttered, his baby tongue slurring his confusing words. "No, it's Jame-thh!" There'th a ethh at the end!"

Thomas' mother chuckled. "James and Thomas." She smiled, rubbing both of their heads before walking off to sit beside James' mother on a park bench.

James patted his sand castle back together with the shovel, making sure to put a little spiky leaf on top. "It'th a fwag!" James cheered, waving his tiny chubby arms up and down in the air. Thomas giggled and rolled onto his side, spitting up some sand and quickly sitting up. "Ow, it's in m-my eye!" Thomas sniffled. James sat up, crawling on all fours over to Thomas and smiling. "Here!" He said, blowing on his face. Most of the sand blew away and Thomas' eyes stopped hurting.

"Thanks, Jaym!" Thomas giggled, hugging James again. James huffed angrily, pouting as he crossed his arms. "It's Jame-th!" He grumbled.

"J-Jay.. Jayyymth?"

"No! Jame-th!"

They both glared at each other before bursting into fits of giggles. James reached and grabbed the shovel, looking down at it before grabbing the handle and licking a bit of sand off of the scoop. Thomas gasped, whacking the shovel out of his hand. "That's not a wowwi-pop! That's a shovwel!" James dropped the shovel, spitting out the sand and groaning. "Pleck! Blech, bleh!" He coughed.

The mothers came over and picked up their kids, exchanging goodbyes with one another before letting the children say goodbye. "Bye-bye, Tommy!"

"Bye Jaym!"



"I don't care! We're playing truth or dare!" Thomas yelled jokingly, tackling James and rolling him onto his back against the pillows and blankets inside of their fort. James laughed, fighting back Thomas' brute strength. "We're in fifth grade, how do you have this much strength?" He groaned, before sneezing all over Thomas' face. Thomas groaned, rolling off of James and laughing. "Gross, dude!"

"Sorry! I can't help it sometimes and I couldn't plug my nose because you were pinning me.." James whined, looking down at the ground. Thomas sighed, plucking a tissue from the box on his dresser and handing it to him. James wiped his nose. "Sorry.."

"Don't be sorry, it was funny." Thomas chuckled, leaning against the chair that held their fort up. He whooped, clapping his hands together. "Okay! Truth or dare?"


"Who's your crush?"

James paused. "Uhm, I-I don't really have one.. I guess? I don't really like anybody because everybody is always mean to me." He shrugged. Thomas sighed and scooted closer to James, wrapping an arm around him. "You'll find somebody, I promise." He smiled.

"Thanks, Tom." James smiled, looking up at Thomas. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to lick your nose."

"I can't even reach my nose!" Thomas grumbled, sticking his tongue out and trying to lick the tip of it. James laughed hysterically as he watched Thomas struggle, falling onto the floor and wheezing.

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