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Now I had my room exactly how I wanted it. My space now really and I loved my accent wall and all the new stuff I got. I felt truly honored with the guys and I enjoyed my time with each of them. Houston being my rock that I could trust with anything. Lately I was feeling a bit different. I just woke up today and did my morning routine. I walked to the kitchen where Walker and Austin were. I really missed my guys that were away on a mission. Thankfully it rarely took all of them. I pitched in when needed and I was happy when I could help out. I entered the kitchen and the smell of things had my stomach turning and I rushed to the toilet to throw up. That never happened. Austin followed me and I didn't feel pretty but he had a glass of water to wash away the awful taste. 'Thank you Austin, you're the best!'

'How are you feeling now? Is there anything I can do?' I told him I'd been feeling a bit off and my stomach was giving me troubles and how the smell of the food threw me off and made my stomach turn. 'Hmmm, I'm calling Cameron to have you checked. I don't like this.' He's right I know and I don't mind he's having me checked. 'Is there anything you wanna have to eat? You need something in you.'

He's right I know so I do ask for something light as I'm not sure what I would be able to hold down. Eggs and toast is what I'm opting for and I quickly eat it and feel better already. Having some tea with it and the care for Walker is amazing. Cameron comes rushing in after the call and takes some blood to test at the lab later and does regular checks. Nothing out of the ordinary so far so I'm feeling a bit better. He'll run some tests and let me know the results tonight when he comes home. I had nothing planned so after breakfast I decided to relax and grab my kindle and read my latest obsession. I discovered the reverse harem books and went down that rabbit hole. The book that caught my attention was the lieutenant by Melissa Adams as it was military stepbrother romance so I started reading and had my cup of tea close. Enjoying some quiet time.

I heard the door open and saw Houston entering. 'Hey, would you like to go for a walk?' 'Uhm, sure let me grab my coat and I'll be right out. Grabbing my purse and coat and I was good to go. Houston took me to a park close by with deer, goats, chickens, peacocks and I loved it. Feeding them with the seed they sold there. The warm autumn sun still heating the day. It felt perfect and it was. I felt so cherised and knew I would never leave these men, my men. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and saw Cameron's text message asking me to come to the clinic. 'Hey, I need to go to the clinic to Cameron. I'm sure it's nothing serious but I didn’t feel to good but I do feel fine now.' 'Let me take you to the clinic, it's on my way cause I do need to arrange some things.'

Houston dropped me off and I entered the clinic asking for Cameron. The lady at the desk looked at me like I was a bug under her show. The nerve. 'Could you please let Cameron know I'm here?' A nasal voice responded and called Cameron that a patient was at the office. Cameron walked in a few minutes later and when he saw me he looked so happy and walked my way immediately. 'Hi and thank you for coming so quickly.' Kissing me on my lips as a greeting, a brief kiss but so welcome. He took me to an office and closed the door.

'Nothing serious right?' I asked as I was nervous. 'Oh no, nothing serious at all but I wanted to double check on something. Could you try to go to the bathroom and catch some? It's another routine test and that way we can see so much more.' 'OK, you're the doctor. I quickly grabbed the cup he was holding and walked to the restroom. Relieved myself and catching some pee was hard. Aiming was not my strong point I learned but when I thought he would have enough I put it down and sat on the seat. Ah that was so much easier.

'OK, prince charming, here you go!' I handed him the cup and he said to test it and be back in a few minutes. After about 10 minutes he walked back and was holding a strip. I recognized it as a pregnancy test. I was looking at him in disbelief. 'What?! I'm pregnant? That can't be true. Right?'

However it clearly showed two stripes. He smiled and I said 'I'm gonna be a mom, you're gonna be a dad. I just, wow, can't believe it but it does explain some things. I, how, oh!' I hugged Cameron and kissed him. I didn’t know which of the guys was the dad but I didn't care about that. I was elated. 'When do you get of? Cause Houston brought me here and I wanna go home. I took hold of my phone and texted to the group family meeting tonight. The guys quickly responded to all being there. 'I'm on lunchbreak now so I can take you home quickly.'


Sorry for the long hiatus. Hope you enjoyed, would love to hear your thoughts, thank you all for reading!
Trying to update faster. Twice a month hopefully. Btw at one point I stood no 1. Thank you for making that possible. I didn’t know if anyone would be interested in my stories. I have several ideas that I soon hope to put up test chapters. We'll see if I can get that done too. But I really wanna wrap up this and feel like it is a good finished book.

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