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POV Breanna

I woke up startled and panting thinking of what happened. It must have been a nightmare. They were coming back again I thought. I guessed it was over since I hadn't got them since I got here but just when you think it is all alright it starts all over. I needed a drink other than water so I opened the door of my bedroom and head to the kitchen. I really liked drinking milk after a nightmare. It always helped me wake up. Just when I was going around the corner I bumped into someone. I was nearly falling but strong arms held onto me. I looked and noticed in the half dark it was Cameron. "Are you alright?" He looked concerned. I nodded. "Yes, I had a nightmare. I wanted a glass of milk so I thought I would get it."

Cameron got a glass and walked to the fridge filling it with milk for me. "Here you go."

I quickly emptied the glass as it would wake up my senses. After is was empty I rinsed it with water and put it up side down. "Do you have nightmares often?" Cameron questioned.

What was I gonna say? I contemplated but I knew the truth would be best.

"Yes, I've had them before. This was the first time since I've been here. I really hoped they would have gone. Since I left I didn't even have them. I guess I was wrong." I sighed. "It is not always the same dream. Sometimes it is about the harassments I went throught the years. Throwing my schoolbooks in the river or pond. Trying to cut me on the bicycle to get me into the river. Standing behind shops and quickly chase me to my house. I would cycle so fast past these houses. Sometimes I dream about gymclass and the number of balls I had thrown in my face. I hated gym for the rest of my life. Other times it is the comments I would get for getting high grades. Anything you hear about happened to me."

I cry softly reliving all these events but I know they are over. They are in the past. I just need to let it go and not keep it in me. I had years of therapy and still sometimes I felt bad. I have low self esteem because of that. Cameron wrapped an arm around me soothing me that it was okay. I was safe now and he wouldn't let anyone hurt me. He kissed me on the forehead. He rubbed my back with an arm and guided me to the couch in the living room. He sat down and pulled me with him. I put my legs on the couch and rested my head against his shoulder. He told me to rest and close my eyes briefly. I felt my eyes get heavy and I closed them. His words soothing me. 

I wondered how he did this but I felt the stress of the nightmare fade away. I quickly drifted off to a deep dreamless sleep. I never noticed he lifted me up in his arms and brought me back to my room. In the morning I woke up and got up. I made my way to the kitchen and was greeted by Austin. "Want some breakfast? It's pancakes with bacon and syrup."

"I would love some." I was handed the plate and enjoyed breakfast. I also drank some orange juice. I looked at the clock as I was to meet Jenny. Cameron walked in and I did not see Ryder as expected. "Where is Ryder?" "Uhm, he had some urgent business but he will be back when he can." Houston explained as he got into the kitchen kissing me on the cheek. ""Goodmorning Sugar. What is your plan for today?"

"I need to go to Jenny as I promised her I would help her refurbish the house." He nodded. "Your new car will arrive late in the afternoon so you would be back by than."

"Cameron you are going to my Mom's house, right? Could you take Breanna along with you?"

He grinned "no problem at all. I am happy to help."

After breakfast there was some time left so I decided to walk into the garden. It had a rose garden, a vegetable garden, a two seated swing and a flower garden with nice border flowers and trees. Someone really loved gardening here. "Come to see my baby?" I looked up and saw Cameron. "You created this garden?" He faked to look hurt at what I said. "Why yes, my pretty lady. Who else? I just love to see how everything grows up to be beautiful. As for the vegetable garden it is nice to have fresh veggies of the season. Walker and Austin help me with that as sometimes I do not have the time to maintain it all."

He walked over to the two seated swing bench and sat on it inviting me to come sit with him. So I did. How could I refuse him? Or any of the others. Slowly they were capturing my heart. I thought it had broken into a thousand pieces but I nearly felt complete. Like all the pieces were sown together somehow. I knew it was far from the truth but one can dream right? Getting attention from six hot guys at once. Who could say no? I couldn't. I also knew I would not be able to pick one of them. They were so sweet to me.

He rocked the chair a bit as I sat with my feet on the bench. He moved me so I could rest my head on his chest. How could a guy smell so good? I inhaled his scent. It was sandalwood I knew that. Nothing like the cheap cologne I was used to with you know who. Would I ever say his name? Without feeling the need to kill? I didn't know that. Cameron's hand was rubbing my back. We sat in a comfortable silence. His phone decided to beep. It shook me out of my thoughts. "Time to go, Baby Doll."

We walked to his car and drove to Jenny's house. It was a bit early. Still 15 minutes to go. "Oh don't worry. Knowing Jenny she is ready to open the door and knock you of your socks." As we pulled up the driveway sure enough the door opened and Jenny waved to come in quickly. 

"Oh I've been waiting for you, Sweetheart. I wanna go shopping now. It is still not too busy so we can go quickly. I'll grab my purse and we can get going. Cameron, you know what to do right?"

"Yes, I'll find my way. It's just me though. Ryder was called and needed to go." Jenny had a slightly worried look on her face but nodded. Jenny walked out the house and I followed her. We got into her car and drove off.

"So Sweetheart, did those boys give you a heartattack yet?"

I looked surprised and I tried to hide it. "Oh now, there is nothing to be ashamed of. They can be a handful. They are just men after all. You just need to show them who is the boss." Jenny smiled as a blush heated my cheeks.

"I am not sure I know what you mean."

"Are you sleeping in the cream bedroom?" Why was this important? But I nodded. "I knew it! Did they really think to hide it. No worries though. It means they care for you, Sweetheart." 

POV Jenny

Oh how I loved this girl already. I knew the plan my boys had. I thought they were crazy but seeing this young woman and the way she responded to Cameron and Ryder yesterday and the looks on their faces had me suspicious. I didn't know for sure so I asked "Are you sleeping in the cream bedroom?" She blushed but did nod in agreement. "I knew it! Did they really think to hide it. No worries though. It means they care for you, Sweetheart." Meaning to say they love you but that was too soon. I could see the haunted look in her eyes. At least they all noticed her and felt a connection. 

"How did you meet them?"

"I had parked my car because I was exhausted. Later I woke up because someone was knocking on my window. It was Walker. He told me not to stand there but I was too tired to drive. He took me to the house and took care of everything. He made sure my car was picked up and drove me to the house. I woke up in the bedroom the next morning and went downstairs and there all the guys were." Breanna explained.

"Well I hope you are excited to shop. You are gonna be a great help with that." I was happy to spent some time with her before she would be too busy getting to know my boys and going on dates with them. I knew she didn't know of the plan. They would make sure that she was attached to all of them before explaining anything. The dearest sweetheart wouldn't know what hit her. Houston had called in this morning to make sure I wasn't gonna tell her. 

"So are the boys nice to you?" Couldn't help but being curios now could I.

She smiled and said "Yes they are all so nice and sweet." The gaze in her eyes told me she had certain events on her mind. 

"We are at the shopping center." I got out of the car and so did Breanna. I would keep the conversation light and simply ask a few random questions. This way I would know how she liking the boys and I would get to know Breanna too. It would open her mind a bit and Houston never said anything about that. I wanted their plan to work and would do my best to make her feel comfortable around me. I'd try to be her best friend and hope that if she needed a woman to talk to she would come to me.


A short update I know. This will be the last update this week as I am away to the UK for four days. Hope you like it and love all your comments and votes. Thank you so much for them. They make me happy and smile. 

PS: Where do you think Ryder went to? Any thoughts?

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