A long drive

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(unedited. If you see a mistake please let me know and I will change it asap.)

POV Breanna Rayne Winter

I gazed at the familiar rooms one last time. This is it, I thought. After all the pain I had suffered now was the time to move on. How? I did not know exactly. The cream colored walls, the coffee table made of walnut wood, the couch off white. The ikea paintings that you see in a dozen houses hanging on the wall. I was locking up this house and had cancelled all contracts. The house was my property since my parents died but I did not want to be there.

I already packed my books, clothes and embroidery kits (my hobby since my grandma taught me and it relaxed me). My grandma had tried to teach me how to knitt but failed so instead got me to embroidery and I was pretty good.

Well my car was packed with the stuff I could not live without. I decided to roll the dice I had in my pocket to see where I was going. Which direction was I going to take? North, east, south or west. One and two were south, three and four west, five east and last 6 was north. I rolled it and got nervous. This was my life decision. I checked when it stopped. Six. Okay so going north it is I said to myself. I got into my car and started driving to the unknown destiny.

I put on the radio and listened and sang along with it. I loved singing along. Right now it was ' bad blood' by Taylor Swift. Such a fitting song. I had a bad relationship. It lasted eight years before I got the power to end it. I was 16 and madly in love following the guy like a lovesick puppy. He was sweet to start with. My parents still alive back then. They died when I was 19.

A car crash because someone had been drinking and crashed in their car. They hit the side of the bridge and fell off. Had the crash not killed them the freezing water would have done it. I missed mom and dad every single day.

In the beginning he who shall not be named was a great help but soon he treated me badly. Started hitting me. Not enough to bruise but painful none the less. He dated other women and told me as to hurt me but I could not leave. I felt bad and lonely so I stuck. Perhaps the reason of all this is because I was bullied since I was four years old. I had a low self-steem because of it. I still got attention from him and at times he was his old self. Giving me hope things would change for the better. I had hoped for 4,5 years. It never came. Two weeks ago I decided I had enough of it. I knew I had to be worth something right.

The next two weeks I did everything to close the house. Water cancelled, electricity cancelled, cable and internet and so on. I needed to get out of this town. So I finally shifted my car into gear and did just that. Away from the place that hurt me so bad. All the memories seemed distant but they needed to be as far away as possible. I never talked to anyone about this. I had it all bottled up. I had been saving money for some time so I had the time to go to a place nice. Where I liked it and people would be kind. It was all a dream but now I was chasing my dream. To not be hurt anymore by the same person day after day. It was done. This part of my life was over. What I was gonna do with the house I had not yet decided. I would do so later when the time was right.

I drove to the north wondering what life would bring on my path. I took the backroads since I was in no hurry and this way I would see something. I ate when I was hungry. Filled my tank if it was empty. Slept when I was tired. Now it was the third day of my long drive and it was getting dark. There was no motel anywhere near and I felt exhaustion. So when a parking spot was coming near I parked there. Took the comforter I had in case of emergengy and lowered my passenger seat so I could sleep there.

Soon I drifted to sleep. I was drained of all the energy I had.

POV Walker James

I was driving a backroad this time. The weather was nice and it was dark but I felt like a nice ride. I was thinking about all the guys. We were a close group of friends for years now. We were succesful in the things we did. Whether it was games, starting a business or building a house for ourselves. We had it all most people would say. But a girl to love none of us had. Not that we were not interested but the girls here would just hang out because of who we were. Not because they took a liking to any of us. Sure it was easy at times. A man has needs you know. No challenge though.

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