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This quarantine stuff isn't for me I decide while being lucky I have my guys, the incredible house with all it's facilities. I mean we had the pool, fitness equipment and all that. I wanted to do something and used my time redecorating my room. I decided to pick up paint first and knew I wanted to be done with the white. I knew I wasn't leaving as long as the guys will let me stay. I pulled on my coat. I went looking for my keys. I always ,eat them in my purse but they weren't there. I checked the kitchen, living room but alas no keys.

I went back to my room and checked the room and bathroom but also no keys. This frustrated me si ce I'm always organized. I didn’t know this could wound me up but the last couple off weeks were odd. I wasn't feeling like myself. I was agitated and forgetting things. I sat on one of the chairs I had and tried to remember where I left my keys. Aha, I was in the garden last. Maybe the keys were there. Walking outside I saw Walker doing some yard work since it was still a nice temperature outside.

He looked up and saw me approaching him. "Hey Bree baby, what is it?" I sighed, "I can't find my keys anywhere. I wanted to paint my room now since I'mdone with the colors you guys used. I want to change things up." He smiled, "that I get. If you want I can get my coat and drive you anywhere you like."

"That be nice, a home depot or something. I really want to paint the walls, change the cushions, bedding and stuff like that." I told Walker. He quickly got back with his keys and opened the passenger door for me letting me sit. I put on my seatbelt as he walked around the car. He pulled out and drove off to the store.

When we entered the store I checked the colors they had and decided that for one wall I wanted it to be dark. I picked out a nice rich brown color and for the other walls I picked out a lighter brown. After I had that Walker reminded we needed tape to tape off the doorframe, windows and such and plastic covers for the furniture. While I was there I saw the perfect pillowcases and bedding so pick up those and checked for a nice cozy blanket and found a nice fluffy one in a nice rich brown color. When we had everything I was exhausted and needed to go to the restroom. Walker said he'd check out and pay the stuff we got.

While in the restroom I felt horrible and pucked out my nice breakfast but after I drank some water I felt a bit better. I was never sick. Did I pick up the virus? I wasn't coughing, sneezing or anything and decided against it. No that wasn't it. Maybe just my IBS was playing it up. I ate all the right stuff but who knew. Feeling refreshed I went out to search for Walker. I found him in the cafeteria and he asked if I wanted something too. Thinking about food made me sick in my stomach so I declined but told him I would snack a bit of what he had.

He got some French fries and a burger along with chicken nuggets. He knew I liked those and I ate some of them and some of the fries too. He also got me water to drink. My hero of the day for sure. When we finished eating he got all the stuff and gave me some of the lighter stuff to carry to the car. While driving home I was animated and wanted to start.

"Now not so fast Bree baby, first we need to tape everything.  After that is done we best cover the furniture and drape the heavy stuff with the sheets so the paint doesn't get all over that. You may want to paint the furniture but maybe not the same brown hmmm."

I knew he was right. I  just really wanted to but I could at least make a head start so tomorrow I could paint. We had the rollers, brushes and all. I was pumped and couldn't wait now I had my mind set on it. When we got home we got to work quickly and after and hour or so everything was taped and set for tomorrow. I walked to  Walker and hugged him and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and I loved the way he was feeling against me. He lifted me up and carried me to my bed still kissing me. I could never tire of these guys. I loved them with all my heart.

He pulled on my shirt and got it of. His hands moved towards my beast as he fondled my nipples. It got me all hot and wet as he was kissing me and I was touching him too. I pulled on his belt and quickly got it loose and was tugging on his jeans. He went commando and that surprised me. I felt his hard length and touched it and wanted to lick his length. He got my skirt off next and while kissing me his hands moved south into my panties and his indexfinger felt on my sensitive spot and I nearly came right then and there. He smiled and went down on his knees. His mouth was on my legs kissing the inside as I was trying to get him to where I wanted him but he wasn't having it. His mouth then sucked on my clit and I put my fingers through his hair. The guy was driving me crazy.

I wanted it all and I wanted it now. He sucked and liked and boy was his tongue skillful. I came and he quickly lapped me up. He was slowly moving upwards and kissed me. I could taste myself on him but it turned me on. He pulled off his shirt and was now naked in all his glory. He lined himself up and entered in one quick move. He was taking me slow first but he quickly moved up the pace and it was brutal but it felt so good. I could feel another organ built up and when he changed his angle he was touching me in all the right spots. I came again and he was pounding inside  e quickly following me into his own orgasm.

He rolled to the side to make sure he wasn't laying on me with his weight. Not that I minded it at all. He kissed me again and pulled up the comforter and we rested a bit. After a little while I woke up and noticed Walker was looking at me. "What?" I asked. He smiled and said, "you've slept about one and a half hour. You never do so I took the opportunity to look at you. You look a bit different,  in a good way but different. Maybe it's your hair. I don't know but I'll figure it out. Now it's nearly time for dinner. Come let's shower and get dressed."

I did shower with Walker and yes we had a little get together again. This man was going to be the death of me for sure. I loved it none the less. How lucky was I?


Thank you all for your support and voting. I was over the moon when we hit number 7. It's a little lower now which is fine. This is more then I ever expected. I'm so happy with it. Thank you again and hope you like this update. Can't wait to hear your thoughts.

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