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POV Breanna

In the morning I woke up and did my business as usual. I was getting into a routine with the guys. The guys always told me where they were going and if I were to expect them at home. They'd text me sweet messages. I felt loved. It warmed my heart when they did something small like bring a keepsake. The fridge was full of magnets these days. It started with my old collection that I had from when my mom and dad were still alive. I wanted to give it a place and the house started to feel like my home. So one morning when only Houston was home I took them and put them on. I like straight lines so it wasn't a jumble and a mess. I wanted order.

I started with the one from Disneyland and the Empire State building. Next were the ones with the states I went to. The museums we went to and what not. After finishing I cooked some water and made some tea. I took an extra mug and took it to Houston. I knocked on his office door. He was on the phone with someone, a guy I knew to be sure since the voice was low, smooth, a baritone.

"I don't have a team member here at the house at the moment."

"What about the pretty bird you've been keeping for yourself?"

Why were they talking about birds.

"No, absolutely not. I can't agree"

"Look I know it's not a dangerous mission. You can come too, but I promise you it'll be safe. Nothing will happen. I promise."

"I know your promises and I know you keep them. Let me think about it and discuss it. I'll call you in ten."

He sighed heavily. "I so wanted to keep you from the academy but they already know you exist. Your help is required since your a woman."

"What's wrong and what can I possibly do?"

"There is an event tonight and the other team here in the area needs a hand. You're the only woman in the area that actually knows of the academy. You'd pose as the girlfriend and simply keep your ears and eyes open. Observing the people there. Nothing to intense should happen."

"I'll do it." I said, wanting to do something in return so bad.

"I knew you would say that. Listen, I can't come with you. My mom is needing help with the fundraiser and I promised to wash her windows tonight and help her bake pies and whatever she needs."

"I can manage it." Houston replied to me "I know that, it's just that it's my insecurity that you might like the other team better."

I huffed "Have a little faith in me. I won't like someone else better. Or the whole team. I love you and the guys too much already. You're stuck with me. I'm sorry."

Houston laughed "It's the other way around I'm sure. I can't ever let you go. My mom would kick my ass. You need to go shower and make yourself prettier than you already are. Make-up, dress, the whole shebang."

Looking at the time I needed to hurry. I quickly kissed Houston on the lips and rushed to the shower. After the hot shower I put on some bodylotion. Since the weather was cooler at night I put on black thights. I opted for my favorite red dress that hit my knees. I put on my black pumps. After that I picked my favoriet watch and accesories. I put on my foundation, I filled my eyebrows, I did a quick smoky eye, added a nude color lipstick. Bronzed my face, put on some blush and highlight. Finished the look with false lashes and mascara. As a finishing touch I put on This is her by Zadig and Voltaire. Such a great scent.

I walked down the stairs and noticed Houston wasn't alone anymore. There were five guys in the living room. They all looked up at me. "Oh my, I think I can't let you go out like that!" Houston walked towards me with a smile. I patted his arm "And yet you're going to. Introduce us please. I can't go with strangers."

" Ah yes, well I quite enjoyed being the only one who you could talk to." He took my arm and let me around the couch. "This is Bryant, Cody, Lucas, Gabrien and Wade." The guys looked handsome but nothing like my guys. "Your date for tonight is Wade." He pointed to the last guy I met. He had a friendly face, handsome features, dark brown hair and was wearing a suit. "Stay close to him." Houston pleaded. I nodded I heard him. I turned around and embraced Houston. "Tell your mom I said hi and that I'll come help for the fundraiser. Ask her what she needs."

Houston kissed the top of my head and I felt him nod. "I will."

Wade offered an arm which I took and led me outside. The car was a black jaguar and I saw a different car parked behind indicating that the others were in the other car. That looked nothing like the jag. It was an ordinary silver car that blends in easily. I noticed the other guys not following yet. Wade explained "They are probably hearing that Houston will kill us if we let anything happen to you. That at least I understand. I'm surprised he'd let you go frankly. I'm not sure if I could do that myself. Gabrien knew what he was asking but damn, it was nearly impossible."

I smiled and answered "He knows I'd listen to all of you and that I stay close. There shouldn't be happening something like a gunfight so he's okay. I am a big girl." I had training using guns, knives and all sorts of combat training. I needed to learn so the guys had been training me so my stamina was a lot better.

"Yeah that is right but who knows what will happen. Not that anything will happen. I pray to God it won't. It shouldn't anyway."

After what felt like eons the door opened and the others came out.

"Well let's get going cause we need to go through some things before we enter and we need to wire Breanna. Otherwise I'm dead meat before the nights over." Gabrien said.

Wade opened the passengerdoor letting me in. I thanked him and he closed the door quickly rounding the car and he went inside as well and started the jaguar and it came to life. We rode off into the unknown for me and I was a bit nervous but nothing I can't handle.

""We'll go to a hotel first where we can tell you what to expect and wire you like Gabrien said" Wade explained. I nodded and fell to a comfortable silence.


Well what do you know an update! Also I can't believe we're at 11,5k. Thank you for being patient as I can not always update as ofter as I like. On another note what about the other guys? Should I tell you what they look like? Maybe another story. Oh perhaps better not and finish this one first. Oh the evil ways of the mind.

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