Ryder's Return

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POV Ryder

Right now I was driving to the Blackbourne team. I needed to see for myself how they got it to work. After that I would meet the Toma team as well. I had to work through my issues. I still had a low self esteem. The little vixen just took my heart and I didn't know how the whole sharing would work out for me. That is why I discussed my issues with Houston. He came with the idea to see the Blackbourne team in action. He said after meeting them that he couldn't imagine life any different. Yeah it's not an obvious choice but something we had thought about a lot. I thought I was ready but bring in a cute vixen and all my insecurities come in again. Let's not think about that now. Just about half an hour till I am there. 

We had so many things that we thought we knew how to do it but now it came close and with a girl I really want. She is so sweet and pretty even if she doesn't know it. Just looking at her makes my heart skip a beat. She has seen so many things in life and still manages to be happy and goodnatured. How she does it I do not know. 

I have been thinking way too long on the subject. Maybe that is my problem. The guys luckily know of my issues so that is cool. I pull up at the house my navigation points out. I walked to the door and rang the bell. A guy with black rimmed glasses opened the door. "Hi, you must be Ryder, I am Kota. Come on in. Just don't mind it's a bit crazy inside right now. Most of us are home right now." I shake his hand and thank him for inviting me in. 

"Would you like to have a drink?" A feminine voice asks. "Ah Sang, meet Ryder from the Stewart team." She walks closer and has a gentle smile on her face. "Welcome to our home, Ryder." I smile in return. "Thanks for having me here. I am sorry if I bother you at all." She waves it away. "No such thing there. We help where we can when we can. If you have any questions we, and I speak for all, will be happy to answer any of them."

I just nod. For now I do not feel comfortable to ask the questions yet but just want to see how they act as a family.

"So your team found a bird?" Another guy with glasses asks. "My name is Owen Blackbourne by the way."

"Ah yes. More likely she just happened to be there and we couldn't just do nothing." I told them how she was found by Walker and everything that happened so far. 

""Mmm quite a story there." Kota said. "This reminds me of when we found Sang." They told me how they knew each other and the situation their bird was in with her stepmom. It was terrible to hear.

"With Breanna it is not her parents that abused her but a guy." I explained.

"Ha, that fucker needs to be punched in the face. You do not hurt a lady. Fucking shit." Wow this guy loves the f-word I thought to myself. 

"Don't mind Gabriel. It's just how he explains his feelings." Sang said with a apologizing smile.

"It's okay. Sometimes you need to emphasize a word. I just use different words for it." 

I feel myself getting tired so I ask where I can put my stuff and hit the hay. Another guy takes me to a spare bedroom. "This is it. There is a shower just across the hall. So you don't have to go far. Well good night."

I quickly wash myself and am sure Mr Sandman found me because as soon as I hit the pillow I am asleep.


In the morning I woke up and put on some fresh clothes after taking a shower. I walked out the bedroom and to the kitchen. I see Sang with yet another guy. This one is pretty tall and muscular. He pecks her on the cheek and says his goodbye and walks off. 

"Goodmorning, Sang." 

"A good morning it is indeed. What would you like for breakfast? I can make you anything you want."

"Just some bacon and eggs and coffee will do." I told her, not wanting to be too much of a bother. A few minutes later I ate my breakfast and I watched Sang interact with some of the guys. 

Kota came to me with Owen and asked if I would like to join them for a little chat. Since I knew what it was about I agreed because it would help me. I had to make it work for her. I would be stupid to let her walk out of my life. Or if I walked out, I know she belonged with us. I just needed to figure it out and these guys are kind enough to help me.

They talked about the difficulties they had faced and what issues were there. It was good to know that they understood and explained the groundrules in their relationship. I knew we needed to do that too. A understanding at what I would be comfortable with. I wish my upbringing was a little better than it was. This feeling of being less than any of them made me so insecure. They explained that if I had that feeling I needed to tell the others so that I could have some extra time to bond with Breanna.

At lunch I was alone with Gabriel and had a man to man talk. I asked "What do you do when you feel insecure?"

"Well, since I had issues with that myself I can only tell you to be open about it. Tell the other guys. Ask extra time if you need it. I fucking did not when I should've done it. It fucking costed me a lot of time to get out of it. Thinking my brothers were worth more than me or deserved her more than I did. Fuck! I still need my time with her just to assure myself she cares for me. I mean I always compared myself to the others and felt that I fucking didn't have a talent that she could possibly like. That was not the case though. I remind myself daily I am a part of the family and am just as needed as the others."

I thought about what Gabriel said. "Thanks man, that really helps a lot."

"You should listen to the advise I know Mr Blackbourne and Kota told you. Them fuckers know what to do. You got our numbers, ring us if you need advise." He said. 

After a few days watching them I felt more at ease with what we wanted as a team. Before I could grasp the idea entirely but now I did and I got great tips how to make it work. It took a lot of communication but I would do just that. I texted Houston I was coming home. I needed to. To be with my little vixen again. I could not live without her already. I thanked the Blackbourne team for opening up to me and walked to the car. 

I got in and made my way home....


I could see the familiar surroundings of home. I opened the window of my car and just inhaled the scent of home. Charleston was nothing like the countryside. I liked it out back here way better. It felt good to come home. I was more relaxed now with being in this kind of relationship. Seeing it in action was an eyeopener. 

I got out the car and the door of the house opened and a whirlwind hit me. I looked down and saw that it was Breanna that rushed towards me. 

"Did you miss me?" I asked, curious at what the answer would be.

"Yes! Don't ever leave that many days without letting me know where you are. I thought you left. Never go away again without saying goodbye." She said, hitting me softly on my arm.

"I promise not to do so ever again. I swear, I missed you too, little vixen." I smiled and hugged her tightly. She felt so good in my arms. I knew the others hugged her and kissed her and I was okay with that. I never felt more happy than knowing she is save. Doesn't matter who she is with as long as it is with one of my brothers.


So I hope you like this update. Let me know what you think, vote, comment and everything in between. 

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