An evening out

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Breanna POV

The dinner Walker and I made was delicious. I've had so much fun singing that my heart felt light again. I am truely blessed and my scars of old times are fading. I sometimes do things out of habit and worry when I know in my head I should not fear. Not my guys. I love them so much and know they love me too. 

After eating my tiny tub of icecream I need to talk to Houston. "Houston, can I have a word with you? I need to talk to you." He nods in response. "Let's walk to my room." He offers me his hand and I take it. His hands are warm unlike mine which are freezing cold for some reason.

When the door of his bedroom closes I fold my arms across my chest and tell him how I feel. 

"Look, I know what happened today but I felt uneasy. Like I am a thing instead of a human being. I know you all have issues as do I but please tell me what I have done wrong. I do not ever wanna hurt you. I love you too much."

He walks towards me wrapping his arms around me. Holding me tightly. "You're right. I am sorry for acting the way I did. I know I tried to explain before and clearly did not do it right. You remember the way you were in a bad relationship, right? Well I had something similar happen to me. She acted like I was trash and not worth anything. She would flirt with every guy she met. I know you do not do that ever. I love you for that. I was at a bad place in my mind again. I am sorry for that. I can't promise it would not happen again, because it's more likely it will but please understand it's not you, it's me." His fingers caressed my cheek and his mouth came close. After what felt like eons I felt his lips on mine and he bit on my bottomlip slightly to gain entrance. I opened up and he quickly deepened the kiss. I slowly let my hands wander into his shirt feeling the skin of his abdomen and got higher to his chest and I sighed. His kiss was a toecurling one. I could get use to those kisses.

It could not get any further because we had more to discuss. "As you know your mother called and asked when we were gonna come for dinner. All of us?"

"I need to check with the others what their schedules are but I think the weekend is best. Saturday I think. I'll ask who can go, ok?"

"That's fine. Now, care to explain to me why you didn't wanna talk to your mom?"

Houston grunted and closed his eyes for a moment. "If I would've said something to her, she would know something happened that upset me. I didn't wanna deal with that and yell because you were there. I do not wanna get you upset. I love you and care deeply for you."

At least I could understand that. My mom would always know if I were upset. Guessing it's a mom thing. Down the stairs I heared some commotion as did Houston. He kissed the tip of my nose. "Come on and let find out what that is about."

As I stepped in the living room the heated conversation stopped as heads turned into my direction. "What's this about?" I directed my gaze to Marshall since he was a big guy but with a soft spot. 

"Well, we thought maybe we can go out as a group. We were trying to find something so we are all happy."

"What are the options?"

"A walk in the park, swimming, going to the cinema. In the weekend there is a fair but not right now. We could just stay home and play games or watch a game."

I thought about it but did actually wanna go and do something with the guys. "Walking would be great! I love that and really should do that more often. I've been hanging around way too much. I might become a couch potatoe. A swin would be nice but since we got a pool here maybe finish with that later. So I would suggest walking first, going to the cinema and after that swimming in the pool here."

I heared agreements of the guys that were there. I knew Cameron was still at the hospital and would make sure to spend time with him soon. Just me and him. I missed him.

I quickly ran up to my room changing into a skirt and a blouse. I put on some flats as we were going to walk. It was a nice evening and there was a soft breeze. I also got a sweater if I would get it cold. I walked down the stairs and Ryder was there to escort me for the first bit of the evening. 

We walked out the door and the others followed. I loved that Ryder let me set the pace to the cinema. Our chat was light and not on big things for now. When we were at the cinema there was a movie that was about to start. It was called "the space between us." I sat between Marshall and Austin. Holding both their hands and feeling all warm and fuzzy. The movie was about a boy born on Mars and he never felt the gravity here. He however fell in love with a girl and wanted to meet her. 

He did get to meet her but later trouble began because the boy could not take the gravity and if he stayed here he would die. He needed to get into space again. 

The movie made me smile at the ending and I loved it. Nothing to dramatic right now but a true feel good movie. I loved those kind of movies. When the credits rolled I got up from my seat because I had to go to the ladiesroom. I excused myself and walked since it was closeby. After I finished I walked out the door and the guys were already waiting. 

I took the hand of Houston and Walker. We talked about basic stuff. Houston asked the guys who could make it on Saturday to go to Jenny. Most could but Ryder said he would have a job in the afternoon but would be able to make it later. Since the weather seemed to be good it was decided we would bbq. I wanted to bake my lemon cake as dessert and decided I would ask Walker or Austin if they had an icecream machine so I could add lemon and mint icecream that would fit with the cake.

When we reached the house it was cold and Houston opened it up and I walked in as fast as I could and ran up the stairs to my room to change so I could swim. The guys did the same. I was downstairs the latest but they had it easy not using a bikini. 

I took the stairs and got in the hot water as fast as I could. The guys showed off by racing eachother. I was simply swimming around and tried to escape the guys. They seemed to forget they were not 16 anymore. Guess boys will be boys.

Cameron came in later and smiled like there was no tomorrow. He said he had all the test results. Suddenly all the guys were silent. "Well?"

"You are 100% healthy. No nasty disease or anything. All clear!"

It seemed like the air was cleared and a lot lighter. I knew this was a big deal for the guys but how I did not know. I would ask Cameron later. He changed into swimshorts and asked if I wanted to join him in the tub. I offcourse did. He did not have to ask that. 

"Cameron, why did it seem like such a big deal that I am 100% clean."

"The bloodtest we ran also included test for STD's. You do not have them."

I let that sink in. No STD's. I blush as it sinks in. That means I could get up close and personal. 

"Now there is no rush but when it feels right with one of us you at least know it's safe. We are tested regular and I can assure you we all have a clean bill of health too."

In the water I get close to Cameron and sit in his lap. I wanted to kiss him and so I did. It surprised him at first but his arms hugged me pulling me even closer. "I missed you." He blinked with his eyes. "And I you, and I you."


A small update from me! Hope you like it? So who is your favorite? Anything you wanna see happen and with who? Let me know your thoughts and opinions.

Also other good news. No surgery required but I do have IBS and endometriosis so sometimes I'm too tired and my stomach hurts but usually I feel pretty good. My burn-out is nearly over. I feel my energy levels rise again. So as spring is around the corner I am so happy because I will be able to walk, cycle and be outside a lot.

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