Where to go?

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POV Breanna

As I walked out of the room with Walker my mind wandered about meeting these men. Did they like me? Did they think I am strange? I was not prepared to share my life story just yet. They said they wanted me to stay. The beautiful bedroom the room where I was to stay. To who it belonged? We walked out the door and there were several cars parked. All brand new and nice cars. I could afford it too but never did think it to be important so I was still driving the car I got from my parents when I turned 18. It was an already used car then and now it actually needed to be replaced. Compared to their cars mine was terrible to look at. Dents and scratches everywhere. I knew why each dent was there since. 

Walker opened the car for me and asked "What do you need right now? Than I can take it to your bedroom." That sounded strange in my ears. My bedroom. Like I lived there instead of staying as a guest. I answered his question. "There are two suitcases one is blueberry tinted and the other is green. They contain most of what I would need on short term. There is also a backpack which has flowers on it and I would love that too but I can take it." Walker took off with the suitcases and I walked behind him into my room apparently. 

He put the suitcases next to the dresser.  "There is a walk in closet as well," he said and pointed it to out. I was loving this room more every time I saw it and the more I was in it. He showed me how to use the jets in the shower and how the tub worked. The tub had bubbles as well and was big enough to fit two people in it easily. 

"To who does this room belong too?" I asked. Walker came closer to me and smiled. 

POV Walker

"It is your room. It belonged to no one. We used it as spare room but we have more of those. There is also a building on the property that we use as guest house. We can get loud so when people are around we let them stay in the guest house. This room we created with one of the sisters in mind but they are all married and do not stay overnight."

Okay so a small lie but if I told the truth she would run away and I would not be forgiven by the guys. I saw how they looked at her. She was staying for the long haul. The room was the work of Cameron as he was an interior designer. He loved his work so and was really good at it. 

I asked "Do you need anything, Bree? Otherwise I will leave you on you own so you can shower or take a bath. Whichever you prefer."

"Thank you but I am good for now. I will shower because I really would like to take a hike or something. I need to stretch my legs after driving three days straight pretty much" shall explained.

"I am sure that would not be a problem. Maybe I can show you a trail I like myself" I said. I knew I would not be the only one who wanted to be around. I knew Cameron and Austin liked to hike too.

There was a hint of a smile on her face and she said "That would be nice. I would not want to get lost here."

"Not gonna happen with me around. I grew up here so I know this place like the palm of my hand. Okay maybe we can leave in half an hour to an hour."

"I'll be as fast as I can."

I closed the door of the bathroom and listened. She did indeed take the shower. I walked out the bedroom and down the stairs to the guys. It was Sunday so we were all at home. I told the about what she said and said she wanted to take a hike later. As I expected Austin and Cameron wanted to join so they went upstairs to their rooms and changed into appropriate outfits and shoes.

Half an hour later we were the only ones in the room as the others did not want Breanna to feel overwhelmed by us. I mean it must appear abnormal to her. Six guys sharing a house. Yes we were close friends. We were brothers sort of speak. Austin being two years younger than I was and the youngest of us. We were all pretty close in age. The oldest was Marshall and he was 28. Than there was me. I'm 27 and so was Ryder. Cameron and Houston were both 26.

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