The Weekend Dinner

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POV Breanna

The rest of the week was rather uneventful. I spent some time with each of the guys. I loved swimming so much that I did it every morning. Sometimes one of the guys would join me. Didn't swim much when that was the case. Just playing twenty questions. Some cuddles and kisses were shared with all. I loved them already so much. How I ever lived without them was beyond me. I could not imagine life without them. 

I felt so appreciated around them, loved them and knew they loved me. Giving me space to process everything. I got a letter regarding the inheritance from Jake. The lawyer sent the documents over and I would have to pick it up and sign it since the delivery was in the postoffice. That's fine with me though. I might actually have a true real happy life. Nothing bad was going to happen again. 

I took little steps every day in trusting the guys. Right now I was in the living room in my favorite comfy chair. I had found my embroidery stuff and enjoyed working on it again. I hadn't even had the time earlier because of Jake. My mind whirled with all the changes. I was happy with them. Everything was still brand new and it needed to settle but I didn't want to go away from them ever. 

The house was quiet. Only some music in the background was playing. I had put the top 500 of the 90's on. I had found it and didn't even know I had it. I needed this quiet time. The guys probably knew so they cleared from me and just let me be alone for a bit. I loved that they thought about that. Nothing ever went unnoticed, if I cried someone was around to comfort me. I had found some of the camera's hanging in places that you couldn't tell if you didn't know what to look for. I was interested in finding out why Houston just let me be alone and quickly discovered the camera's. That explained why there was someone around quickly if I even stubbed my toe or anything. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

I checked the time and it was nearly two o'clock. Time to get up and change out of my comfy clothes and change into something a little more dressy for meeting Jenny, Houston's mom, and for the dinner she planned. I had texted her so I had made salad and I baked triple chocolate chip cookies. I even took cooking classes so I could make a proper dinner soon. Now I was not going to be a brilliant chef but at least I didn't burn the food I was preparing. I was not a fan of cooking with meat so I had purchased some vegetarian and vegan cook books and tried out several dishes. I liked the recipes I tried so far. Everything tasted great. I felt more comfortable and the salad I had made was a potatoe salad with cheese and bacon and herbs like oregano. I made enough for an army I felt.

Right now I was wearing grey jeans and a fuchsia pink blouse. White sneakers underneath. Classy but sporty. I took my new michael kors bag that I loved, a grey one that matched the outfit. I put on some eyeliner, did my brows, mascara and a blush and lastly added lipstick. I looked at my reflection and felt good about myself. This looked nice, I looked nice. A whole different me that seemed to shine like a diamond.

I walked to the living room where my men were waiting so we could go to Jenny.

"I need to get the potatoe salad I made and the cookies."

"Got everything already," Austin replied, "before the hungry men could get to them. We need to go to Jenny now before it get's bad and fights start." He winked and threw me a smile that warmed my heart. Those dimples really were cute. I internally sighed at the sight before me. 

"Let's go." Houston took my hand in his and helped me in my coat. He opened the door and let me out. 

The drive to Jenny's went quickly. When we arrived she must of heared the car because she opened the door to the house to welcome us all in the house. I gave her the cookies for now and the salad for later. She gave me a welcoming hug. "Oh, look at you, prettier every day! Come on in. Love the cookies already. They smell great."

I followed her to the kitchen and asked if I could do anything. "Oh no, dearest, Austin and Walker always help out, you just relax and enjoy yourself." She got coffee, tea and the cookies on a tray and took them to the living room. The guys were outside because the weather was still nice now that the sun was shining. The evenings got colder though. 

"Now, tell me, how have you been? Are they behaving alright or do I need to kick some butt?"

I laughed at the comment. "No need to kick some butt, they got nice butts and I like to keep it that way."

"Ah, yes, some attractive young men around here with nice butts. Did they ask you already to be their girl?"

I blushed at that. "Aha so they have, smart boys, you're such a pretty little thing."

"Uhm, slightly overweight."

"Yes, well better than the skinny models you see everywhere. A woman needs some meat on her so a guy can actually hold her, you know. It's nice talking to a woman now. Too much testosteron around here." Jenny laughed at her own comment. "I know I raised them, well as best as I could, Houston and his friends. I am so happy but did you answer them sweetie?"

"Yes, I did, I told them I would try." I atmitted. The smile she gave me would fit a toothpaste commercial. "Oh bless you, girl. I am so happy. I am sure they'll make you happy and you them. I have no doubts about it. If you ever feel the need to talk about any of the guys just come to me. I know a relationship is hard, especially the relationship your goign to try but it'll be worth it. Trust me. I wish I could of had it when I was younger." 

I hugged Jenny. "I'll remember that, thank you." "Oh never mind, I wanted to set you up with them but they were quicker than I expected. Let me help you anyway that I can. Now let's go outside to see if the bbq runs."

I walked to Walker and Austin who were at the bbq. I hugged each of them. "Need help?" 

"Nah, we're doing fine. The meat is already on so..."

Walker came to me and kissed the tip of my nose. "We've got it under controll. Jenny knows we don't need help."

"She told me to ask and was right behind me." I checked but no Jenny there. She still was making sure I was close to my men. I sighed and just let Walker hug me as he chuckled. "Yeah, Jenny can do that alright. She means well."

When the meat was ready and the table outside set we ate dinner. The salad I made was a favorite already and I was proud of it. Jenny made sure that each of the guys had some alone time with me. How she did it I didn't know. She must have experience in it...


Well that is it for this update. Hope you like it. Who's POV do you wanna see next? Or do you like the POV of Breanna. 

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