Needing help

931 71 7

POV Breanna

I was getting into a routine with the guys and I loved the guys so much it hurt but while my heart wanted the attention my mind was still confused and in a daze. It didn't feel real yet. I had decided to ask Houston about this so after dinner I asked, "Houston, can we talk? In private?"

He nodded his head and walked to the office he sometimes used.

"What is it?" He took my hand and I shook with the discomfort. He noticed and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey it's okay, I know it's a lot to take in. It's not something you just do but it takes effort."

I agreed "Well that is what I wanted to talk to you about. Maybe I need some help to get my mind and heart one the same page.""

He thought about it. "I'm not sure if a psychologist would help because of the uniqueness of the situation but I could contact another team that has one girl and multiple guys. Would that work? You could go with Ryder because he already knows the team and he can help because he dealt with the same."

I readily agreed and Houston would contact the team soon and let me know the details later. An extra added bonus was alone time with Ryder. I really had missed him lately but I knew he was on a job for the academy. I so much wanted to know more and I did learn a bit everyday. I liked what I saw so far.

Houston still hugged me and his fingers were caressing my hair. It felt so comforting and I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Let's get back to the others." He took my hand and guided me back to the living room. I put my mind to rest knowing that Houston would help me anyway he could. I was so glad he knew exacly what to do. When we arrived in the living room the others were debating about what to watch.

"Help us out here, please? Is it gonna be James Bond, Mission Impossible or The Fast and the Furious? We did narrow it down." Austin was holding the boxes up. I was looking at the others and each was pointing to a different box. So not helping there. I went to the stash of movies and got some other movie it was called The Matrix. I had watched all the other movies but not this one so I opted for this one. I quickly put it in the player and sat on the couch.

"No arguing. I just wasn't feeling those options so I picked up something else." I grinned. "I promise it's nothing girly." A sigh of relief went through the guys. I didn't torture them that often but yesterday I wanted to watch the Lake House and I did have a movie night that was meant just for me. Anyone who wanted could join me or do something else but today was movienight for all and I wanted all to enjoy. I did like the girly movies such as the Hunger Games and the Fault in our Stars. I was a big sucker for those.

I got some chips that was on the table and put it in a bowl and leaned back. I snuggled close to Marshall who was sitting on my right side and was completely content with that. He put his arm around my shoulders as I got comfortable and sighed in pure delight. 

After the movie finished I wanted to take a walk outside and Walker wanted to accompany me. I put on my coat since it was getting colder when the sun was down. I put on my flats and took Walkers arm.

"How is it going? Getting used to things?" Walker asked.

I thought about it and knew I had to trust the guys and talking to them letting them know how I feel was a big step so I told Walker what I had told Houston just after dinner.

"I understand it's a lot to take in to. I mean we had several years to prepare and built our lives on it getting one girl for all of us but you had so little time to adjust. I already think it is amazing you agreed to at least try. I never could of imagined this would be where I would stand after I found you asleep in that deathtrap." 

I laughed. "Neither did I. It's amazing what a chance encounter can lead to. I was just looking for a new place and look where it got me. It's new. My whole life has changed and I don't think I can ever go back to 'normal.'"

Walker stopped at a gazebo in one of the nearby parks and I sat down on the bench. He sat down beside me and said to me "Please don't leave us."

"I don't think I can, it's hard and it's going to take time for me to be in a good mindset I think but I love you all too much already. It would break my heart." I confessed as I felt tears in my eyes. I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to conceal my tears. Walker must of noticed because I felt him pull me in and his hands wiped away my tears.

"You have no idea how much you mean to us. I am so happy we found you and that you are willing to give it a try." He pulled me closer and hugged me. I felt the heat of his body against mine since the evening chill did get me. I so am not a cold weather person. I loved the warmer climate. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him to show him how much I cared. He responded immediately. His lips soft against my own as his hands rubbed my sides and back. I felt loved, cared for and happy.

A feeling completely strange to me but I never wanted to let go so I was looking forward meeting the other team with Ryder. That couldn't happen real quick though because he was on a mission and the other team needed to be available too. It was what it was and nothing I could do. It would be taken care of and I knew I needed to let these thoughts go for the time being.

The kiss ended too soon in my opinion but I noticed Walker breathing heavily. "I need to stop this now before things are going to far. You feel so good this close. I can't get enough of you."

That I understood. I wanted more too. I sighed and agreed "It's not the right time yet. I know but I feel the same way." I stepped out of his embrace. "Time to go home, it's getting late and you need to get up early."

"You're right, I know but I wanted to be alone with you for a bit." He stretched his hand to me and I took it. We walked in a comfortable silence. Each lost in thoughts of our own.


Well a much needed update. They are talking to me finally. I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of you reading this story and for voting. It makes my day and I can't believe the number of reads. I expected no one would read this so when I hit 1k I was happy. No getting close to 10k. Can you believe it? I can't, can someone pinch me?

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